Grilled cheese with air fryer, mushroom and cheddar cheese

Grilled cheese with air fryer, mushroom and cheddar cheese

Grilled cheese can be limited to two slices of bread and a slice of orange marmalade. But for the Science et Fourchette team, really good grilled cheese is a science (or even an art)! We guide you step by step with our infallible method for cooking the best grilled cheese, with lots of mushrooms and cheddar cheese.

  • Preparation: 15 minutes
  • Cooking: 20 minutes
  • Makes 2 grilled cheese


for mushrooms

30 ml (2 tablespoons) virgin sesame oil

1 can (227 g) mushrooms, cut in half

5 ml (1 teaspoon) salt

1 sliced ​​French shallot

1 minced garlic clove

15ml (1 tablespoon) red wine vinegar

15ml (1 tablespoon) soy cream (pilsoe type) or plain yogurt

15ml (1 tablespoon) grated Parmesan cheese

15ml (1 tablespoon) chopped fresh parsley

for grilled cheese

4 slices of bread (sourdough is perfect, because we love it when the cheese melts in the holes)

Sharp cheddar cheese cut into slices

to prepare

for mushrooms

  • In a cast-iron or nonstick skillet, over high heat, brown the mushrooms in the oil. Salt and mix well (salt at the beginning of cooking will allow the mushrooms to secrete water, and they will be more crunchy).
  • Continue cooking for about 10 minutes, stirring once, or until mushrooms are golden brown and crunchy. Add shallots and garlic. Continue cooking for 1 to 2 minutes while stirring. Sweeten with red wine vinegar. Remove from the fire.
  • In a small bowl, place the mushrooms. Add soy cream, parmesan cheese and parsley. Mix well.

for grilled cheese

  • On two slices of bread, spread the cheese and mushroom preparation. Put the remaining slices of bread on it.
  • In the same skillet over medium heat, add oil as needed. Brown the sandwiches for 3 minutes on each side, pressing them in with a spatula until the cheese melts. Cut the sandwiches in half and serve.
See also  Faith. The place of science in our lives with UPPF

Advice from Science and Fourchette

A hot air fryer (the famous air fryer) is the perfect tool – even revolutionary! – To grill mushrooms and grilled cheese! Simply place the mushrooms in a single layer in the basket of the air fryer at 400°F (205°C) for 10 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking. For the grilled cheese, bake at 360°F (180°C) for 10 minutes, turning after 7 minutes.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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