Guilherme Peixoto, the Portuguese priest who became an electronic music star

Guilherme Peixoto, the Portuguese priest who became an electronic music star

A year ago, Father Guilherme made pilgrims dance during World Youth Day in Lisbon. Now he performs DJ sets all over the world, never without his Roman collar.

“I feel more healed by electronic music!”“, trusts the priest DJ Guilherme Peixoto. The Catholic priest, a star of electronic music in Portugal, with his white Roman collar and helmet fixed to his head, seeks to entice young people and get crowds dancing to convey the Church’s message of hope.

Music, he says, allows him to connect with an audience that doesn't normally attend church. “This allows me to accept the challenge that the Church imposes on us: not to close ourselves off, but to reach out to others.”“El Padre Guilherme,” as he is known in Portugal, explains to AFP. The 50-year-old priest stands out with his round face, communicative gaze and dark glasses. On a Sunday morning, he meets his parishioners in Londos, northern Portugal. In front of a crowded church, he celebrates Mass in sneakers, with green sneakers worn over jeans.

But on the other hand, the priest lives the real life of an electro artist, replacing the altar with a mixing desk. He gives concerts all over the country and abroad, such as in Spain, Switzerland and Italy, where he performed this year at festivals and clubs. His passion for music began very early, but the idea of ​​becoming a DJ came to him during a trip with Portuguese soldiers to Afghanistan, where he accompanied them as a military chaplain.

When he returned to Portugal, he wanted to improve his skills and so he enrolled in a DJ school in Porto, in the north of the country. He then realized the power of music to convey the message of Christ, which in his opinion was “It combines all the beauty of the harmonies of electronic music.”It allows to highlight. “The joy of the Gospel, a message of hope and faith, but also a message of tolerance, harmony and peace.”This churchman, who is highly regarded by his parishioners, adds:

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Rock star invited by the Pope

But his notoriety really exploded a year ago when he mingled in Lisbon before nearly a million and a half pilgrims from around the world, during the closing Mass celebrated by Pope Francis on World Youth Day. Today, when he arrives somewhere for a concert, the person with more than 900,000 followers on Instagram is greeted like a rock star.

This was the case in early July in Coimbra, a large university city in central Portugal, where hundreds of young people danced, mixing techno tracks with excerpts from speeches by John Paul II and Pope Francis. “This priest is really cool!”“I was so happy,” says Andrea Borges, the 26-year-old who stopped Father Guilherme to take a selfie with him. “He has managed to join two worlds that seem to be opposed to everything” and is “very good at what he does.”Welcome to Philip Barroso, a 32-year-old electronic music lover.

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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