Happy Retirement 2: They finally thought they were calm…

Happy Retirement 2: They finally thought they were calm…

Three years later, Fabrice Braque returns with a second composition, “Joyeuse Retraite 2”. The first part, which was a real hit, scored 1.2 million admissions for France only! Since you don’t change a winning team, our happy retirees are always brilliantly played by Michel Larroque and Terry Lermitt.


They thought that they would finally get a quiet retirement… 3 years have passed. Marilou and Philip decided to introduce their grandchildren to their new vacation home in Portugal. But once they get there, they discover the horror that the house is still under construction! This is only the beginning of the galleys for the grandparents because soon…they’re losing babies. They only have two days left to find them, before their parents join them.

We take the same thing and start over? Not quite, no! This delicious family comedy will be peppered with many surprises. The Laroque/Lhermitte duo always works great. They are already meeting for the third time on screen and their complicity is only greater. They enjoy playing together and it shows. Humor and entertainment are the hallmarks of this exciting part. Find out here the movie showtimes in cinemas near you.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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