Health | Heart health: women are more aware of the risks, but medical follow-up still needs to be improved

Health |  Heart health: women are more aware of the risks, but medical follow-up still needs to be improved

(ETX Daily Up) — With cardiovascular disease, one in two women doesn’t know which health professional to turn to, according to a survey. However, knowledge is evolving. 79% of them know that more and more women are having a heart attack before the age of 50.

Stress, alcohol, menopause … Cardiovascular diseases can be caused by many factors, which make them the leading cause of death in women. In a press release, the Cancer Foundation takes the point home. Cardiovascular disease “kills eight times more than breast cancer, and today, more than 11% of women who have a heart attack are younger than 50.” However, women are not adequately informed about the risks of the disease. According to a survey conducted by the French Federation of Cardiology*, only a quarter of women put cardiovascular disease first.

Medical follow-up for improvement

According to the results of the survey conducted in February 2022, 68% of the women interviewed stated that they take care of the health of their family members before their own. Finding time to see a healthcare professional can be an issue for 37% of respondents. The health journey remains challenging, with one in two women not knowing which health professional to turn to.

If women seem to know better about symptoms caused by cardiovascular disease, “women’s risk factors are not well known,” select the survey. “Only 65% ​​of women consider hormone contraceptive use a risk factor,” we can read in the report, which continues “a quarter of women believe that the key periods in their hormonal lives (puberty, pregnancy, peri-menopause and menopause) do not or even reduce their risks.

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Women are better alerted

These diseases are increasingly affecting young women. Over the past five years, there has been an increase in hospitalizations for women aged 45 to 54 who have had a heart attack. A vital risk that women seem to be aware of, “79% of them know that there are more and more women under the age of 50 who are victims of heart attacks,” the foundation says.

It seems that knowledge about cardiovascular health is more and more known among women. While 83% of women know that some risk factors for cardiovascular disease are women-specific, 54% know all symptoms of a heart attack. Finally, 70% of them stated that they are more in tune with their bodies, by monitoring certain factors such as stress or even fatigue.

*The OpinionWay study was conducted online February 17-21, 2022 on a sample of 520 women in the French population aged 18 years and over. The sample was collected by quota method, taking into account the criteria of age, social and occupational group and region of residence.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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