Health: Tremors – Radio Melody

Health: Tremors – Radio Melody

Audio podcast:

Part One – Health: Tremors

It is necessary to differentiate the “normal” tremors (fine, invisible fingers) present in all individuals or “conditions” tremors (feeling cold and fearful) from other “abnormal” tremors.

There are 3 types of tremors that occur during rest while maintaining a posture or action.

comfort quiver It manifests itself when the individual is still and stops during voluntary movements and disappears during muscle contraction and also during sleep. It is often asymmetric and is most evident during intellectual effort or emotion. This tremor can be found in Parkinson’s disease and then is associated with other signs of this disease.

Posture tremorIt is a rapid, regular, rhythmic tremor that occurs when maintaining the position and disappears completely during rest. It may take different Models:

Excessive physiological tremor (affecting the fingers or even the entire hands) and may be increased under certain conditions (anxiety, hyperthyroidism, alcohol or tobacco withdrawal, caffeine absorption, etc.)

– Idiopathic tremor is an unexplained neurological disorder (affecting the fingers or even the entire hands), it can appear in puberty between 20 and 30 years, however it occurs mainly after the age of 50, then we talk about senile tremor (tremor that appears with the age).

Finally, primary orthostatic tremor, is a rare neurological disease of unknown etiology that occurs more often in women between the ages of 50 and 60. This tremor reaches the lower extremities and causes a feeling of instability with the impression of falling into the trunk but without inducing a fall. Decreases when walking and leaning on something. It is an invisible jerk to the naked eye because it is very fast and has low amplitude.

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What do you do if tremors bother you?

You should consult your doctor who will eventually refer you to a neurologist if necessary.

The Chronicle was produced by Dr Emmanuel Ceres, representative of the Grand Est of the Association of Emergency Physicians in France and president of Smur de Sarreguemines and Bitche.

Radio Melody

| Fri Aug 26 2022 at 9:45 AM

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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