Heir to fortune, the ex-actor of Globo is found dead in an apartment

Heir to fortune, the ex-actor of Globo is found dead in an apartment

In the 1960s and 1970s, an influencer appeared in Brazilian soap operas: João Paulo Ador (1944-2018). The son of a diplomat, he had an intellectual background and dropped out of law school to devote himself to comedy. However, after years of working in television, the artist decided to take over the family business and enjoy the happiness he had inherited. Adour returned to the media in 2018 when he was found dead in his apartment.

The actor was born in 1944 in Rio de Janeiro. His father was diplomat Jaime Adur Camara, friend of such luminaries as Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987) and Vinicius de Moraes (1913-1980). Joao Paulo Ador began his artistic career in London, where he studied drama.

Back in Brazil, he made his television debut in 1969, with the soap opera Um Gosto Amargo de Festa, recorded. In the 1970s, he produced several series on Globo, such as Bandeira 2 (1971), Selva de Pedra (1972), Gabriella (1975)Like Tres Marias (1980) and The Beloved (1973)in which he played Ciccio, the son of the mayor, Odorico Paraguaso (Paolo Graciendo).

His last participation in the filming of a telenovela was in Novo Amor (1986), a plot by Manoel Carlos seen in the extinct Manchete (1983-1999). After that, he began to devote himself to the family business and enjoy his wealth.

“I’ve traveled all over the United States and France. I took several courses, French-Portuguese film. I went back and forth until 1993 when I came back forever,” he said in a 1994 interview with Contigo magazine.

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Joao Paulo Ador died on September 6, 2018, at the age of 77. His body was found in poor condition in the apartment where he lived alone in Rio de Janeiro. According to the G1 website, police initially looked into the possibility of murder or burglary as the house had been destroyed.

But forensic medicine found no evidence of a crime there. Tomaz Adur, a cousin of Joao Paulo, said that his uncle had died of a heart attack at least ten days before the police arrived on the scene.

“Everything in the apartment, the watches, the pictures, and because of the situation he was in, it turns out he had a heart attack. He also had a heart attack and sometimes he hates dieting. Her heart couldn’t stand up to the police and she took her fingerprints and she wasn’t there. No one was there.” “The ‘crooked house’ is a real mess. He died naked with the book he was reading in his hand,” a family member told G1.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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