Her beautiful life as a French girl at Erasmus in Barcelona

Her beautiful life as a French girl at Erasmus in Barcelona

La Belle Vie logoEquinox goes to meet French people who are happy to live in the capital of Catalonia. A column in which expats from the four corners of France talk about what they love. It’s the good life for the French in Barcelona. It continues with Roman at Erasmus here for a year.

“It’s truly a dream I’m living. I’ve envisioned it since high school.”. Roman, 19, still finds it hard to believe it. Kimber left in mid-September to undertake a project she had been waiting for for several years: living abroad. In Barcelona, ​​the Breton woman chose to conduct her first Erasmus experiencePompeu Fabra University (UPF). Not imitating a Spanish lodge, ” I did not see him “, She laughs. But simply because someone who studies applied foreign languages ​​in college loves Cervantes’ language.

“And I wanted to be near the sea”The student adds. Just to remind him of his native Finistère, perhaps, but also to enjoy this beautiful pleasure of running along the shores of the Mediterranean, in the evening, at sunset, twice a week. This is how Roma, little by little, built up her little routine. It is based on outings, Spanish lessons, city walks and discussions in all languages ​​with foreign and French friends. As for the rest? There is no pressure. Roma intends to work hard enough to validate its year, but above all “Enjoy Barcelona to the fullest.” His first weeks have already given him a good taste.

What is the most beautiful neighborhood?

I haven’t seen it all yet, but I’ll say Gothic for now. Even if it is the most touristy. I like to stay near the sea, but I prefer this area to Barceloneta.

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Gothic Quarter BarcelonaWhat is the most beautiful monument?

Sagrada Familia. This was the first monument I went to see when I arrived in Barcelona. I spotted it on a school trip my senior year, but it was grey. It was winter. This time I saw him at sunset. It was magical. The colors, the architecture… I want to go back there many times!

BarcelonaYour favorite restaurant in Barcelona?
I’ve only tried one so far: Taco Alto near the Arc de Triomphe. It’s a Mexican restaurant. I will happily come back!

Alto tacoWhat about bars?
I admit, I’m not someone who goes out much. I got used to the city first and my friends and I have yet to find a city that suits us.

The most beautiful place to walk?

Montjuïc because it calms down there. It’s quieter than the streets of Barcelona. Or the view from the park next to Bunkers del Carmel. It allows you to see the whole city, and makes it real. Ah then also edge me (He laughs), But more towards montages. Small village atmosphere, I really like it. I prefer to go outside the city.

Barcelona hideoutsThe most beautiful event?

Mercy’s party on the beach. That was very soon after my arrival. When I saw that, I told myself that I had made the right decision. I also loved the fireworks on the last night at Plaça Espanya. It was impressive, I had never seen anything of this size and with so many people.

Merce Barcelona fireworksWhat is the best encounter for you?

I met a Portuguese friend to run with. We can talk to him about anything, he always has good ideas for outings. His name is Andre, and he is also at Erasmus, but not on the same campus. We met during a film screening organized by the Erasmus ESN Student Association. Since then, we’ve done a lot of things together.

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Young friends street sports skateboard tourists summer beach barceloneta photo clementine laurent equinox 8What is your fondest memory?

Since it’s all about the sea, I’ll say it was last Sunday evening. We were all with my friends watching the sunset by the water.

Read also: Her beautiful life as an Alsatian in Barcelona

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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