How do I set up a VPN on iPhone?

How do I set up a VPN on iPhone?

Setting up a VPN on iPhone is very simple if you don’t already have a VPN subscription on another platform. If you already have a VPN on your PC or Mac, the procedure will sometimes be a bit more complicated, but you will avoid having to pay for a new subscription, because, it is not always known that a VPN subscription usually covers many devices. .

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Apple has a very good reputation for protecting the data of its users. However, miracles cannot be done: there are situations in which you can be recognized Across is yours IP addresses – Basically in places wireless Free. To navigate safely wherever you are, a vpn Imposes itself. In addition, this Service may provide access to the Services flow From foreign countries to those in which one resides at a particular time.

What is the benefit of a VPN for iPhone?

The answer to this question is twofold.

Free Wi-Fi problem

First, if you use your device for business purposes, you may be accessing confidential data. It wouldn’t be nice to have such information to spy Easily.

Anxiety comes when you move and call attractions (Access Points) Public Wi-Fi such as those at airports or some coffee shops or hotels. It is relatively easy for a well-equipped hacker to intercept the waves radio The wireless. However, in order to facilitate this access, these places often simplify the Wi-Fi encryption key (WPA2), with an expression such as “internet cafe”, “hotelwifi” …

In such a context, a hacker can easily decrypt the communications that occur in the surrounding area. Also, some hackers give out Wi-Fi access names that look like the real one. Example: You want to connect to the Wi-Fi of a LaPizza restaurant and you see an attractive second option “LaPizza – Top the flow »While this could have been created by an intruder who lives nearby.

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Once you use a VPN on your device IphoneYour connection is encrypted and no stray person will be able to access anything. A hacker can only intercept the inconspicuous digital mush.

Access to restricted services

If you value access to services flow Such as Netflixor Disney + or Amazon Prime from your iPhone or IPADA VPN can give you access to a wide catalog of software.

From France or from anywhere else, it will be possible to access content from Netflix The United States – by simulating a connection from America – where access to these is normally denied.

On the contrary, when you are in the US, you can watch series that are available on Netflix France. And if you are temporarily residing in a country or location that you can access The WhatsApp where FB Is prohibited, you can simulate the presence elsewhere.

Is VPN service built-in iPhone?

No VPN service offered as standard on iPhone. an Apple He set up a service called Private Relay for iCloud + subscribers that hides a file IP addresses Users – Only if browsing in Safari. However, this service does not hide the location from which one is connected, thus, using Private Relay, restricted broadcast content cannot be accessed.

What criteria should you pay attention to in a VPN for iPhone?

Three criteria appear to be particularly basic:

  • The Speed : a vpn It encrypts the data and thus can slow down the connection.
  • . number servers Available in many different countries. For example, ExpressVPN: It offers more than 3,000 servers in 94 countries. NordVPN operates over 5,100 servers in 59 countries, while Surfshark has 3,200 servers in 65 countries. to publish Internet Access is the most generous in Thing : Offers more than 30,000 servers in 78 countries.
  • App design: is it designed to easily run on the iPhone and iPad screen?
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It’s usually possible to use our iPhone VPN plans for free for a few days, so you can get a feel for how each works before you sign up.

Connect on multiple devices

If you already have a VPN on your device PC or MacYou probably don’t have to purchase a specific app for your iPhone. In fact, a large number of VPNs ensure that you can connect several different devices. some examples :

  • ExpressVPN subscription covers 5 devices;
  • NordNet subscription is valid on 6 devices;
  • covers 10 devices.

If you have already installed a VPN on your device the computerSo it is likely that this service will work on your iPhone.

Can a free VPN be used?

Free VPNs usually have different limitations: the sound Low data, limited number of alternate IP addresses, and therefore the impossibility of accessing streaming services. The main concern comes from showing many ads and sometimes monitoring your activity in order to monetize it with advertisers.

How to set up a VPN for iPhone

Two situations can arise:

  • You are not already subscribed to VPN on PC

Then just download the VPN app from the app store. All settings are then made by a fileImplementation So you don’t have to configure anything. In addition, it is generally not necessary to register with an email address and The password To take advantage of VPN services, your Apple ID does the trick.

  • You already have a VPN on your PC or Mac

In this case, you need to inform your iPhone or iPad of your VPN settings. The easiest way is to download the app on iPhone from the App Store and identify yourself with your name and password. Then the settings are made automatically by the application.

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If this process doesn’t work or even if you don’t want to download the app to your smartphone – just to take advantage of the VPN service – here’s what to do:

  1. In the settings, select general and then VPN and device management. then choose vpn.
  2. He chooses Add VPN Configuration.
  3. to me Write, IKEv2 is generally suitable. Otherwise, you should check with your service provider about the type of encryption used. The ones that iOS takes into account are IKEv2, IPsec and L2TP.
  4. to me He describedenter your VPN name.
  5. to me server, enter the server address as shown on the VPN service provider’s website. In the example reproduced in the image below, we are using and the server address sent to us is Your VPN provider must provide you with this address.
  6. to me’remote idEnter the server ID.
  7. Then enter a file user name and yours The password.

Once you make this setting, the name of the VPN appears on the iPhone. All that remains is to connect this VPN.

Avoid using VPN when you do not need

It’s best to connect your iPhone VPN only when it’s useful – for example when using public Wi-Fi or in any situation where the security of your connections isn’t entirely secure – to avoid any performance loss. Just go to Settings, choose vpn (6And the option from above) and then connect it from the mentioned case.

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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