How do you convey the taste of science?

How do you convey the taste of science?

According to the latest PISA survey, French children enjoy learning science less than the OECD average. More broadly, the idea that science is too complex to care about is pervasive in the minds of the French, whose scientific culture continues to decline.

Science has been at the center of many political issues since the early 2000s, such as climate change, pandemics, or interest in the conquest of space. A population’s scientific culture is indispensable to understanding democratic debate, and therefore fundamental to the health of our democracy.

So how can we give everyone a taste of learning and experimentation to better understand the world we live in?

  • Should we rethink the way science is taught in primary and secondary education, and thus teacher training?
  • What is the role that museums can play in restoring the French taste for science?
  • Are there too few popular science programs in the media?
  • Do YouTube channels dedicated to spreading science reflect French disinterest in science? How do you distinguish between accurate content and insufficiently or poorly documented formats?

Join us to talk about it tonight:

But also, all your questions and testimonials on 01 45 24 70 00, by e-mail at the address

[email protected] And on the France inter app.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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