How to reduce allergens at home?

How to reduce allergens at home?

Allergens are abundant in our daily lives

Allergens, it is almost impossible to completely escape. at study They were performed on 7,000 rooms, over 99% of which contained at least one of the allergens studied. But an allergen does not mean an allergy! In fact, in order to have an allergic reaction to something, it is usually necessary to have a floor. Genetics is the most important role in allergy.

But in recent years, scientists have seen a sharp increase in sensitivity that cannot be explained by genetics alone. But there is no consensus on the interpretation: Does exposure to allergens increase the risk of developing allergies? Are other environmental factors, such as pollution or diets, at play? A very sterile environment during the first years of our children’s lives? All of these explanations, for now, are just theories, and nothing has been proven.

Read also: Why are food allergies on the rise? The industrialized countries are particularly affected by this increase. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. meeting with Dr. Alexandra Santos.

Against allergens, change the sheets more regularly

However, it may be helpful to try to limit the presence of allergens, especially if you have respiratory problems. There are factors that are hard to control: The study showed that the highest exposures were due to the presence of pets, and socioeconomic and regional factors, such as living outside cities. To believe that you have to choose between pollution and allergens!

However, there are also factors such as the presence of cockroaches, especially exposed areas such as the sheets. Thus, regular cleaning and changing of sheets can limit these factors. Dust, or rather dust mites that it contains, are a frequent allergen. Mais si vous suspectez une allergie à la poussière ou à autre chose présent chez vous, il est aussi important de vérifier cela auprès d’un allergologue, car selon vos allergies des er techniques spécifiques peuvent être mise en voe place limit de dans exposure.

Read also: What allergy does it cause? Each allergy is caused by a very specific substance: an allergen. When the body of an allergic person comes into contact with this allergen…

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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