Hundreds demonstrate in Lisbon to “save social media”

Hundreds demonstrate in Lisbon to “save social media”

And organizers say the state health service is “sick”.

to the point where Children’s vaccines for this year have not yet been purchased ; Where the different disciplines “rotate” because prof Chronic shortage of doctors and technical staffAnd Where entire departments are evacuated to other hospitals, Hundreds of people took to the streets of Lisbon today to protest what they consider to be “Selling” the country’s National Health Service (SNS)..

With signs attesting to Poor service And those who claim that “health is a right” and “”Stop selling social media. The caravan of demonstrators made its way from Largo Camoes to the steps of the Chamber of Deputies.

It was an event organized by the so-called Movement + SNS (See below): Those present in the crowd are a mix of ordinary citizens, medical professionals and “sympathizers,” according to SIC Notícias.

Several people gave speeches from an open truck. There was a lot of slogans, drumming and cheers. According to the SIC: “The SNS+ movement, with personalities from different political backgrounds and several professional fields,” wanted the event to be “a rallying cry” to promote the nation’s health service, including access to “seriously compromised.”

Movimento + SNS consists of Known different names in the field of health, Including the former Director General of Health Fernando GeorgeAs well as personalities from the world of arts and culture. The movement launched a manifesto with about 3,000 signatories calling for ” Cure for SNS » They say “sick”. The statement, which was launched in April, began with the judgment of Antonio Arnault (father of the Portuguese SNS Health Service): SNS is an inalienable moral heritage of our democracy..

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About the Author: Germano Álvares

"Desbravador de cerveja apaixonado. Álcool alcoólico incurável. Geek de bacon. Viciado em web em geral."

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