Hundreds of students block the entrance to the “Sciences Po” institute in Reims

Hundreds of students block the entrance to the “Sciences Po” institute in Reims

Entrance to Sciences Po was blocked on Wednesday, March 15th in Reims. One hundred students gathered early in the morning to protest pension reform, in this The eighth day of national mobilization. They used rubbish bins and barriers to make it impossible to access the building.

Blue flag of France

it’s about ‘First from the beginning Packing in Reims. Immediately, students wrote on signs like “Manu Ciao” or “The doors of science are closed.”

The students prepared banners with different slogans.
© Radio France

Sophie Konstanzer

The demonstration between the unions started around 10 am from the Maison des Syndicales.

My France: a better life

After your question about Energy Saving, we have chosen to take care of you, with this new Citizens Consultation, launched with
. What do you do or what do you want to do to improve the quality of your daily life, of your life itself? Well-being, physical activities, food, creative activities, travel, career reorientation, life change, family values, etc. Share with others your good thoughts, actions, and reflections.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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