“If there is no more whistling, it’s because I’m dead” … We meet Louis Bertignac in Ramatuelle, just before his reading for the recital

“If there is no more whistling, it’s because I’m dead” … We meet Louis Bertignac in Ramatuelle, just before his reading for the recital

After the Riad Sattouf exhibition last Saturday, Louis Bertignac naturally fits into the “Festival” poster for the Pampelonne Ramatuelle Literary Prize (Read our announcement on the next page). Carried by his recent autobiography “Jolie Petite Histoire” (Le Cherche Midi) and the album “Dans le Film de ma vie” (Barclay/Universal), released on June 2. Arriving on Thursday evening, for an unusual / intimate performance on the beach, L’Escalet Beach allows a new encounter, flanked by his half Laétitia and his beloved Jacques, aged 6, to approach both sides – writing and music – from a furrow dug since the 1960s.

Side A: Staying in line

After tonight, are you going to do a ritual for the Concert-Read-Autograph?

This came after FNAC’s meeting with journalist Stéphane Bassett [il signe un texte sur son dernier album, Ndlr] as an intermediary. We had so much fun and after this second ramtuello I really want to resume in 2024, once the next big tour for my new album is over.

In hindsight, how has your book been received, especially by those quoted in it?

People loved it. They feel the reading time in my skin. As for the known names, I did not hear them : “Oh, what the hell did you say!”.

When even Rita Mitsuko is described as a terrible thenardier of pressure…

That’s right… In the Moroccan episode I was told with them, I forgot to mention that they were off steroids and therefore not in their natural state… Excuse them like that.

On the literary side, Big Bang still gets you flying with or without your friends Bogdanov or Acids?

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Oh yeah, I love Portuguese author Jose Rodriguez dos Santos! It is highly documented in terms of news while being beautifully written out of total fiction.

Ahead of you, Corinne is the only other phone sign on her resumeThe thread of time’. How do you recompile it?

She read the first 50 pages and then found that she could refrain from going into certain intimate details of the group, love stories, groupies…, so she gave up. In general, I would rather listen to music than read bios, even for Keith Richards! (He laughs)

You’ve been writing a lot about the heroine, your “illuminations” for ten years. You’re doing really well compared to Daniel Dark or more recently Ari Boulogne…

No wonder I was so scared. I was afraid to damage myself, from an overdose… When the men bought a quarter gram in the evening, I was about a month old. I was in management! (He laughs). When my ears ring, it’s an alert of impending danger. Unfortunately, since I was put in a brace I have a permanent left whistle. I also took a lot at me on stage… “The Sound of Silence” I don’t know anymore! (Laughs again) Now I live with him and if he doesn’t whistle anymore, it’s because I’m dead.

Side B: Agreements and Disagreements

The new album fits perfectly into the resume. Did one give birth to the other?

no. I worked on both in parallel without any idea of ​​a “resume pack”. It just so happened that the title lyrics of “Le Film de ma vie”, a kind of synopsis of the book, were given to me in song, even before the book was released.

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Musically with any solo album, visitor or phone, is there a connection?

I don’t think so, but a close musician fan wrote to me that he found all of my albums in these eleven titles, like the best ones. It’s okay with me!

Clairvoyance, humility, or realism when you no longer want to go out at that time‘Spit a fish’ after hearing The Police’s debut album?

Only realism! I was told: “Rest, we’ll talk about it tomorrow!” (He laughs). After the police is the police. Maybe they’ve been around for less time than us, they’ve been better, that’s all. We were three centuries behind! Like when I say that even with the addition of telephone talent and despite our massive success, we’re hardly anywhere near the creative level of a single Beatle. They definitely liked music more than us…the live side is one thing. There, we ate the Ramones we gave them first games in England!

Still staying in Seine-et-Marne, in the former home of the late Didier Lockwood?

We chanced upon Laétitia while visiting a villa next to Depart Pré-Saint-Gervais. Six months later, Didier phones me to tell me he’s selling his charming stone house, which we both fell in love with. I bought it right away! We were very happy there as a family for twelve years.

Louis Golden General

When Lewis asserted in his autobiography that he was close to his fans and above all did not want to inflict on them what he felt by rubbing shoulders with certain stones, after being friends with him in the studio, he put him on the sidelines. , this n is not a demo. It’s enough to recall flashbacks to post-1990 shows to see Louis Bertignac sitting on the floor, talking without a stopwatch, until 1:30 a.m. with a group in the audience as the roadies put away the equipment.

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Above all, he praised this divine moment when he gave us a blank check to go on stage in Summum (Grenoble) at his side. Then once he broke the fourth wall, let’s take his microphone to blast the words “everyone lies.” The crazy post-teen feeling of being the lead singer of a night that still delivers a thrill 33 years later…the unique gift of Louis d’or is priceless.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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