Impostor syndrome: feature

Impostor syndrome: feature

Good in every way, who imagines themselves to be below average? At least that’s what psychologist Basma Tawfik from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s School of Management says study Posted in October. She says that those people who consider themselves below average tend to make better employees because they are more cooperative, empathetic, and more accepting.

The term “impostor syndrome” or “impostor phenomenon” dates to 1978: It was used by two psychologists who studied more specifically women who were famous in their profession. Many still considered themselves “not very bright” and believed that they rose in ranks through luck or mistakes.

We have since known that this “syndrome” affects people of both sexes and in multiple occupations, although several studies have indicated that it is more common in women. It is often associated with higher levels of anxiety as well as – unsurprisingly – low self-esteem.

The researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed a way to measure the level of “syndrome” through a survey completed by 155 employees of investment firms in the United States. But above all, with another questionnaire to be given to the supervisors of these employees, and dealing among other things with their labor relations, since his goal The advantages of this syndrome that can be measured at work are identified. its conclusion: “People with impostor syndrome are basically the people you want to work with.”

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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