In Assises du Journalisme, a look back at the media treatment of the presidential election

In Assises du Journalisme, a look back at the media treatment of the presidential election

partner journalist Sixth Via Voice Barometer/ Assises du pressisme (1) Confess “Surprised” Finding that the majority of French (57%) finally thought about it ” Is enough ” (49%) or ” Very good “ (8%) “Quality of information” Released during the presidential campaign. Except for supporters of Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.

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Those surveyed online (1) got their information from television (75%), radio (38%), press (37%), the Internet (33%) or through “their entourage” (23%, which rises to 41% among 18/24 year olds, and 30% among Marine Le Pen supporters). Journalists’ work during this period seemed useful to them (53%) to know about programs (56%) or candidates (52%) and not to decide who to vote for (31%).

Suspicion of inbreeding

Their view is even more strict about the impartiality of journalists, with six in ten (61%) believing that the media do not treat political figures in the same way depending on which political side they belong to. And a minority (47%) trust information related to political life, compared to 82%, 81% and 66%, respectively, regarding culture, sports or social issues.

→ Read. Isabel Ferrat-Mason: “Information breeds more dissatisfaction when it aims to be neutral”

A distrust of political journalism, suspected of being linked to the political world, has prompted a strong reaction from France 2’s head of politics, Nathalie Saint Creek, who has challenged sports and cultural journalists over their own practices.

outside looks

During another round table, representatives of the foreign press pushed the point home. “When I arrived in France, I was struck by the almost cordial closeness of journalists and politicians”according to Ana Navarro Pedro, correspondent for the Portuguese Weekly visawhere editors often change topics.

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Marc Bassets from the Spanish Journal El País I wondered if this supposed self-separation didn’t push a more popular audience back to shows“Information and entertainment” (Information and entertainment blending) Like that of Cyril Hanouna on the C8.

It was German Nadia Bantel “shocked” That polemic Eric Zemmour could have a show on Cnews, where he autopsies every day Today’s news from the perspective of immigration, Islam and crime.and that this prompted him to submit his candidacy. “We went from All-Zemmour to All-Mélenchon”she replied to her Portuguese colleague who is looking for “ Stage show “ Extends to ” phagocytosis » Democratic debate. Usually highly critical of the media, supporters of La France Insomise say they are satisfied anyway (59%) with the coverage of this presidential election, according to Viavoice.

From criticism to clash

“The role played by the search for clash de-centralizes the political character”Cléa Chakraverty, journalist at Conversation, in a panel discussion on the role of television in the campaign. Philip Corby, head of BFM-TV’s political service, took charge of the September 23, 2021 debate between Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Melenchon, according to him. “The seeds planted had an effect months later.”.

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This discussion is organized “in the public’s sense” He tried to get him to admit Laurent Guimier, director of news at France Télévisions. This is assuming he didn’t “There is no longer a place in Zemmour”, As long as he’s not an official candidate. Writing UPSI, like the others, followed the same line.

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Is this campaign finally interested in the French? L’Obs’ editor-in-chief, Nolwenn Leblevennec, stated that audiences for the site have been disappointed throughout the campaign. The discovery made by France Info Radio, where journalist Frédéric Carbonon, 12-14 “transferred”, was lost, did not make, nor the video media Brut, very popular among the younger ones.

new modes

This presidential campaign had the peculiarity of being on interactive media like Twitch: Blast media and L’Affaire du siècle, for example, questioned candidates at length about the environment. France Télévisions journalist Samuel Etienne and other operators also commented directly on the debate between the two towers.

Finally, most of the media present at the Asssizes experienced a tough campaign in the wake of the health crisis, and then the outbreak of war in Ukraine, burdened by the outgoing president’s absence in first-round discussions.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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