Fatima and Fernando are of Portuguese descent. They are passionate about the history and heritage of their home country. Lisbon, Guimarães, all of Portugal’s north full of heritage treasures…they know it from the inside out.
Based in Paris, they take advantage of the summer to take day trips to the provinces and discover castles, churches, cathedrals, villages … in departments not far from Ile-de-France.
excellent Laurent Deutsch Ledrow’s Favorite
On a Sunday in July, they decide to go on a trek north of Eure-et-Loir. By the little roads “because we really love discovering the little villages that make the charm of this area so close to Normandy”.
…Royal Drew Chapel!
Drew’s Royal Chapel remains a favorite in their European day. They also came for her. “We’ve come a few times, but we’ve broken our noses a few times at closed gates. Finally, we can find out.”
The least we can say is that the couple are not disappointed: “It is a wonderful place: the stained-glass windows, the dome, the promenade … everything is beautiful,” even if Fatima admits that she “trembled a little in the middle of these sleepers, some of whom have died since Not so long ago.”
The dome of the royal chapel impressed these tourists for a day. file image.
The taste of history dominates. Fernando is pleased to be able to connect the history of France with that of Portugal, by discovering that the princes of Braganza are buried in the Orleans cemetery.
They stopped first at the castle of Diane de Poitiers.
They will also remember “the beauty of the furniture and roses in the castle of Mentinon”, the elegance of Diane de Poitiers’ castle in Annette, “and the freshness afforded by the woods we cross to reach Dru”.They appreciated the beauty of the gardens of the Chateau de Mentinon. file image.
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What is missing ?
They have a reservation about European heritage: “None of the sites we wanted to visit could be reached to the Patremoine pass that our son gave us. Especially the castles of the Loire that care so easily.”
It is also a pity that the closure of the second garden of the Royal Chapel which forms the softness and shade of tall trees is a temptation to the tourists who see it behind the gates.
Valerie Baudouin