In Fleurance, Instant Science celebrates its first year and the creation of a new website

In Fleurance, Instant Science celebrates its first year and the creation of a new website

January 1, 2023 marked the first year of the association resulting from the merger of Science Animation and A Ciel Ouvert.

Science Animation and A Ciel Ouvert, two complementary associations, have been in the business of science mediation for more than 30 years. Today, one of the largest cultural associations in Occitania, Sciences Immediate, shines throughout the territory with its creation in 4 strategic locations: Toulouse, Montpellier, Fleurence and Tarbes. This integration makes it possible to offer residents fun and smart activities: scientific stays for young people, meetings with researchers, workshops to discover scientific and technical professions, etc.


A brand new website offers a multitude of scholarly activities and experiences, thanks to the participation of a team of permanent staff and volunteers who want to share their knowledge and awaken critical thinking. It allows you to discover the diversity and ambition of Instant Science’s work: a participatory, fun, and informative science brokerage to tackle the planet’s grand challenges.

Distrust of science

An IFOP survey released in January 2023 shows youth misinformation and their relationship to science and paranormal phenomena in the age of social networks: Only 1 in 3 young people believe that science “does more harm than good,” up from 1 in 2 in 1972. Every 6 guys believe the earth is flat. In the face of this youth-science dichotomy and the rise of scientific untruths, Instant Science works through many measures.

The association launches a unique project in France, Instants Cult. It is intended for children between the ages of 15 and 25 and is available in meetings and content on social networks, and consists in deciphering works of popular culture, which are very popular among young people, by providing scientific insight and separating truth from falsehood. Numerous projects in the service of science and new adventure that stretch around the fundamentals built over more than 30 years, such as the Fête de la science, the Fleurance Astronomy Festival …, are teeming with new ideas.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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