In Parcoursup, how many people would like to join Science Po?

In Parcoursup, how many people would like to join Science Po?

From January 18, high school students can submit their wishes on the Parcoursup platform. This is what those wishing to join the Institute of Political Studies should know in order to organize their desires.

If after high school you wish to move towards studying political science, you generally have two options: The IEP (Institute for Policy Studies) or university. But in Parcoursup, it’s not that simple. ifThere are now 11 IEPsalso called Science po, are not all part of the same network.

So, does a combined competition that brings together seven individual education plans count as one wish? What are the programs that promise multiple desires? We give you instructions.

Desires associated with the choice situation

To find your way, you can remember that in Parcoursup, to apply to Science po, Every desire is associated with a choice situation.

Thus, sPoc Networkwhich brings together seven Sciences Po (Aix-en-Provence, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg and Toulouse), organizes a joint competition. So it is considered one wish in Parcoursup, to which sub-wishes are added depending on the cities of interest. There are eight possibilities, with the Saint-Etienne campus for the IEP in Lyon (69).

The other three IEPs are Bordeaux, Grenoble and Paristhey have specific access methods: So each is considered a wish. The same for the new IEP in Fontainebleau (77).

For Sciences Po Paris (75), The various universities are counted in two sub-epochs.

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In Parcoursup, each training in the IEP corresponds to a desire

but that is not all ! In addition to the well-known foundation diploma, each Sciences Po can offer other training accessible after the baccalaureate. However, apply for One of these specific profiles Again one wish per run is considered.

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In Rennes (35), “If you want to do Degree in Engineering from Sciences PoIt’s a specific desire. Anyone who wants to experience Sciences po Rennes can place a “ScPo Network” wish as well as an “Insa-Sciences Po wish,” explains Sebastien Chapelle, Director of Communications at IEP Rennes. This double diploma is also in Toulouse, for example.

In Science po Lille (59), another form: four Bilingual degrees exist, in addition to the training that can be accessed through the joint competition. “Each dual degree registration corresponds to one wishThe same battle in Sciences po Paris where each of the 11 double degrees represents a wish.

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Applicable to all political sciences?

So should you Apply to all IEPs to ensure the best possible chance of integrating political science ? With a maximum of ten wishes in Parcoursup, you can apply to all competitions, but you cannot apply to all courses offered in the various IEPs. But already, you can rest assured: “The IEP network is completely homogenous, with a common core of training,” comments Science Communications Director Bo Ren.

Three criteria can narrow your choiceGeographical standard and the specificity of the different establishments and gentlemen. “Some high school students will want to stay close to their families. In Rennes, a large percentage of students are from the Great West,” develops Sebastien Chapelle.

In addition, each box contains science its peculiarities, in relation to dual degrees (business, journalism or engineering faculties) and their international courses. But also professors: “The IEP has professors who are similar, but also professors who are more unique. At Rennes, we offer a master’s degree in Security/Defence, Renewable energy management… “, continues the director

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Make your wishes for other non-selective courses

All of these courses are recruiting On the competition or files And can Be very selectiveWith specific expectations. In addition, in the case of Science po Paris, for example, you will have to write a written essay to apply to Parcoursup.

Who is better Keep choosing a less selective sector , In case. High school students often position themselves as… in undergraduate courseswhere Preparatory classes“, stresses Sébastien Chable, who recalls that there are also specific ways to enter the second and fourth years in most individual education programmes.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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