Influenza continues to spread in Reunion

Influenza continues to spread in Reunion

Reunion Island is again affected by the influenza epidemic. The indicators have been rising for three weeks with an increase in the number of visits to emergency rooms, according to the weekly bulletin issued by “Saint-Public France.”

“Indicators have been rising for three weeks, with the epidemic thresholds exceeded.” This is confirmed by Santé Publique France, in its weekly bulletin, on Friday, September 22nd.

Reunion Island is again affected by the influenza epidemic. After a lull of about a month, the number of visits to the emergency room for influenza-like illness continued to increase from September 11 to 18, with 37 visits to the emergency room compared to 25 visits the previous week. Hospitalizations were stable with five hospitalizations from Sept. 11 to 18 compared to four the previous week.

However, according to Santé Publique France, people under the age of 15 account for 41% of visits to the emergency room due to influenza-like illness.

Taking into account the epidemiological and viral elements, Reunion is experiencing an influenza epidemic “With limited health impact at this point, Public health determines France.

In addition, Reunion is also experiencing an epidemic of gastroenteritis, with a high level of activity for three weeks, possibly linked to the start of the school year.

See also  The flu epidemic is over in Reunion

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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