Inside Lisbon Palace “Maison Brothel”

Inside Lisbon Palace “Maison Brothel”

Perhaps the owners of Lisbon's Ribeiro da Cunhal palace did not imagine that it would one day house a “Seventh Heaven Room,” with a wooden dildo placed casually on the table, or a doctor's office with occupants periodically visiting the luxurious prostitutes of the “Maison brothel.”

“Do it fashionably with a suit.”

In this large, somewhat dilapidated 19th-century residence, the first season of the series was filmed, and the second season ends, expected in early 2013. Everyday hair,” explains the team’s hairstylist — one room full of hats, another dedicated to costumes. Because “Maison Brothe” is “the series that showed that Canal+ can do modern things with fashion,” believes Vera Beltikyan, director of the imaginative project.

There are 21 rooms distributed over the floors and can be used at any time. “We work as if we were in the studio,” says producer Jack Awanish. On that day, the office of Mosca, the new character, was seized. The cinematographer shouts “fomo” in Portuguese – half the team is Portuguese – before smoke invades the building. “It gives a very special atmosphere and lighting.”

In shorts and tight swimsuits

Amid the velvet and hollows, two men wearing short shorts and skimpy swimsuits stroll around. These are businessmen hired to help Michael Abiteboul (seen in Lars von Trier) and Michael Cohen (Male Performance Award in… festival de Luchon), now in the cast, to design their fight scene.

An action-packed season

“Season 2 is action-packed,” says co-writer Frank Philippon. It's not easy for actors who have tried this many times… nor for actresses. “The girls were very exposed in the first season,” says Sébastien Lepissart, who plays the ideal ruler and representative of the moral order of 1873, which prevails in the second season. “The balance has changed and they have expressed quite a number of demands.” Stopped for two years.

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“We had less scenes from everyday life,” Blandine Belavoir (Angel) explains. Before specifying: “Our demands have been heard. » They'd better keep the conversation and laughter going because there's a brothel atmosphere, the mansion's giant skylight has been blocked off, and “it can make it feel claustrophobic,” laughs Jemima West (Rose). So, I come every day to walk the streets to see the sun! » From the street to the brothel, this is also the fate of one of the heroines of the second season.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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