When should you worry if you have a mole? Answers by Professor Caroline Robert, Head of the Dermatology Department at the Gustave Roussy Institute.
And he wrote on
Health Magazine – France 5
How worried would you be if you accidentally picked up a mole? “It doesn't have to be that serious.”Professor Caroline Robert, Head of the Dermatology Department at the Gustave Roussy Institute, reassures. “Show it to a dermatologist, then it will heal without consequences.”She explained. “It won't necessarily turn into skin cancer.”
On the other hand, care must be taken not to damage the mole too much. The specialist takes the example “Men who shave a mole every day” Which will be at the level of the beard. This gradually tears it apart and can make it smart. If this is your case, consult a dermatologist to remove this mole.
How to recognize skin cancer?
Most often, skin cancer appears on healthy skin. In 20% of cases, it results from a malignant transformation of a mole.
To identify them and track their development, we use a mnemonic technique called “ABCDE”:
“to“For the asymmetry of the lesion,”B“For irregular edges”against“For color”Dr“For Qatar and”H“To evolve.
Read also: The smallest skin cancer has been discovered, measuring just 0.65 mm.
What are the risk factors for melanoma?
Everyone is at risk from the sun and has “sun capital.” The more we are exposed to the sun, the more the effects of the sun accumulate and the skin is no longer able to repair the damage caused by sun exposure.
Some people are more at risk than others: those who have very pale skin, who have difficulty tanning, who have many moles or who have had frequent sunburns, especially during childhood. Family history of skin cancer It also increases your risk of developing cancer yourself.
How to prevent skin cancer?
However, everyone should protect themselves from the sun: protective clothing (preferably dark), Sun cream Index 50 or more to apply sufficient amount and repeat every 2 hours. Exposure should be avoided between 12 and 4 pm. These rules should be applied in everyday life and not only at the beach!
Finally, keep in mind that if you have any suspicious lesions, you should consult a dermatologist.