Is rhythm in our genes?

Is rhythm in our genes?

Being in rhythm thanks to our genes?

As you can imagine, there is no single rhythm gene. On the other hand, according to study From an international team of researchers, and Hereditary It has an effect on the ability to move in time with the music.

Read also: But where does the sense of rhythm come from?

The scientists recruited more than 600,000 people for this study. Contact them through the website 23 and Me, which sells DNA tests online. Each of these people answered the question “Can you clap your hands in time to the music?” Then they analyzed the genome. The researchers then identified 69 genes that appeared to be associated with the response presented.

Rhythm, genes and genetics

What if the rhythm is set by our genes?
Credits: Flickr/Daniel Prachetti

A topic for further exploration with additional studies

However, since the question is self-explanatory, it can be assumed that not everyone is completely objective about their rhythmic abilities. Now that these genetic variants have been identified, it will be interesting to confirm observations in fewer people. For this, we will have to create real tests to determine the ability to perceive rhythm.

However, this study shows that there is a link between genetics and rhythm. However, the implications of the latter go beyond our ability to dance well, or clap! For example, studies have shown that tempo exercises improve conditions such as: Dyslexia. So studying rhythmic abilities and their origins can indirectly lead to discoveries about these disorders!

Read also: 3 discoveries about the sense of rhythm

Meanwhile, next time you get blamed for not keeping up with the music, you can always blame your genome.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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