Jean-Marie Bigard, father of another son Sasha: rare photos of his mother Claudia, separated by thousands of kilometers

Jean-Marie Bigard, father of another son Sasha: rare photos of his mother Claudia, separated by thousands of kilometers

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Today we know that in a relationship with Lola Marois (they married in June 2011) and father of two beautiful children: twins named Jules and Bella (born in November 2012), Jean-Marie Bigard had a first son, baptized Sacha, with his first son. First wife, Claudia. Now the comedian and his ex-wife are hardly separated from each other and for good reason: being of Brazilian descent, the latter returned to live in his country, taking their son in his luggage.

If he does not hesitate to expose his current wife and children on social networks, Jean-Marie Bigard is more reserved about this first union. We know that he and Claudia met in 1990, when she was a dancer in the Paradis Latin group in Paris. In no time, magic happens and the lovebirds get married the following year. Quickly, they try to conceive a baby, to no avail… Then the couple embarks on a lengthy in vitro fertilization process which turns out to be trying too hard with a beautiful blonde. Only after 11 failed attempts, although the agreement was no longer in order between the spouses, did Sasha finally give birth … “It was awful. This baby arrived through in vitro fertilization, an egg from a Russian woman and my sperm. Claudia gave birth at the age of forty-six and her pregnancy was very difficult …Testimony of Jean-Marie Bigard to our colleagues from Tele-Leisure in 2022.

I see him mostly on Skype

Today, Claudia, Jean-Marie Bigard and Sasha are separated by thousands of kilometers. In fact, mother and son now live in Brazil, and the comedian rarely sees his offspring. “Since he lives with his mother in Brazil, I mainly see him on Skype…Columns confessed here in May 2017. Determined to maintain relations with his son, despite not speaking French, he is now a columnist for the show Don’t touch my TV He makes a trip to Brazil about twice a year. “I am learning Portuguese to be able to communicate with himSpecified in the same interview.

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However, despite the distance, Jean-Marie Bigard, his ex-wife and son get along well.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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