Jesus Christ, Martin Scorsese prepares for a new life of Jesus!

Jesus Christ, Martin Scorsese prepares for a new life of Jesus!

The American director took advantage of the visit to the Vatican to reveal the subject of his next film: The Life of Christ. Tropicalism is not surprising given the important place that the Catholic religion occupies in his cinematic film.

Willem Dafoe in The Last Temptation of Christ by Martin Scorsese (1988)
Universal – Cineplex Odeon Movie

Written by Samuel Duhair

Posted on May 31, 2023 at 2:45 pm

toNear Osage Indians, Christ. A few days after his presentation of the West Pole River in Cannes, Moonflower Killers (due for release October 18, 2023) Martin Scorsese has traveled to the Vatican to participate in a conference on “The Universal Aesthetics of the Catholic Imagination” and to meet with Pope Francis in a brief private session. The American director took the opportunity to reveal the illustrious theme of his next film: “I have answered the pope’s call to artists in the only way I know how: by imagining and writing a script for a movie about Jesus. And I’m about to start doing that.” It is to explain.

that manager taxi driver Be dazzled by the Son of God and no one will be surprised. In his early days, he dreamed of moving the New Testament to New York’s Lower East Side in the 1960s. Bertha Boxcar (1972) marked the beginning of a long line of Christian characters, in a filmography haunted by error and redemption – followed, among others, Charlie (Harvey Keitel), a gangster who wishes to be Saint Francis of Assisi but acts like a Pharisee in Main Streets (1973); Jake LaMotta (Robert De Niro), the erratic boxer Raging Bull (1980); Or, more recently, Rodriguez (Andrew Garfield), a Portuguese missionary tempted by martyrdom in Silence (2016) …

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Thirty-five years ago, Scorsese filmed his version of Jesus adapting The last temptation of ChristAnd By Nikos Kazantzakis. The Greek writer was excommunicated by the Orthodox Church for his too humane vision of the Son of God as a “holy blasphemer” tempted by sexuality. The director, for his part, had to contend with the hateful campaign of the most conservative Catholics—in Paris, the Saint-Michel cinema was set on fire in an attack in which thirteen people were injured. Hopefully his ‘remake’ will pass with a less suffering fate… and better artistic success – The last temptation of Christ One of his worst movies…

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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