Joint Statement by Spokespersons for the Foreign Ministries of Germany, France and the United Kingdom (9 June 2022)

Joint Statement by Spokespersons for the Foreign Ministries of Germany, France and the United Kingdom (9 June 2022)

Nous, les gouvernements de la France, de l’Allemagne et du Royaume-Uni, négocions intensivement avec l’Iran, de bonne foi, depuis avril 2021 pour rétablir le JCPoA, avec d’autres participants au JCPoA’, avec les qu United State. There has been a workable agreement on the table since March 2022 that would bring Iran back to its JCPOA commitments and bring the United States back into the agreement. We regret that Iran did not seize the diplomatic opportunity to conclude the agreement. We urge you to do so now. We are ready to close the deal.

Despite this, Iran is now installing additional advanced centrifuges and has confirmed to the IAEA its decision to end all transparency measures related to the JCPOA. This harms the IAEA’s ability to restore continuity of knowledge about key elements of Iran’s nuclear programme, including the production of centrifuges.

We condemn these actions and Iran’s response to the concerns expressed by the IAEA Board of Governors, in a resolution taken with overwhelming support, by announcing measures to further reduce cooperation with the IAEA. These actions only exacerbate the situation and complicate our efforts to restore full implementation of the JCPOA. They also cast more doubt on Iran’s commitment to a positive outcome. We urge Iran to resume implementation of the Additional Protocol and all JCPOA-related monitoring and verification measures, halt its nuclear escalation, and urgently finalize the agreement currently on the table to reinstate the JCPOA, as long as this remains possible.

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