Rihaul started, 24th, 22nd in the world, defeating Mongolia’s Susurparam of Khagvasornjin (IJF 20) in a golden penalty shootout after 2:19 of extra time. Then Rihol played the Portuguese Maria Sidrut (IJF 32), who was exempt from the first round, thanks to an ippon 5 seconds from the end. The Belgian was already leading with waza-ari after 2:56. In the third round, they resisted Kosovare, Destria Krasniqi, the world number two, and he was also excluded from the first round, before he was subjected to a third penalty after 2:11 of the golden score. The 32-year-old, ranked 30th in the world, was fast in her first fight, with a waza-ari and ippon in just 37 seconds against Cypriot Sofia Asvesta (IJF 44). Van Sneek pushed Hungary’s Reka Pop, third in the world and a first-round exception, to the golden score, where she was awarded a third penalty for not fighting after 47 seconds and was thus eliminated. Favorite
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