Kiwis ZespriTM: What if we won super-chic bowls drawn by Studio Jonesie simply by treating ourselves to a healthy and delicious breakfast

Kiwis ZespriTM: What if we won super-chic bowls drawn by Studio Jonesie simply by treating ourselves to a healthy and delicious breakfast

Although the sun is sometimes absent, summer is gradually coming. And what’s better than the summer season to change (for the better) your eating routine? We assure you that this does not mean dispensing with the good things in life, quite the contrary. Rather, it is about using the right foods to accompany us. among them ? Zesper kiwi TM Especially the yellow zesberry kiwi TM Sun Gold TM. More fun and liveliness at breakfast, Zesbury TM It gives us the chance to win stylish, fun and original bowls as drawn by Studio Jonesie, between June 13th and September 19th through a promotional game. Here’s why you’d love to share and make zesty kiwifruit TM Your allies every day!

How to participate in the game Zespri TM ?

The weather is starting to get better again, school is about to end soon and you must be in the best shape for 3 months of school holidays with flying colours. As a result, I’ve swapped out a coffee croissant for a slightly healthier breakfast regimen that’ll boost your energy throughout the day. in the list? The fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients to give you a boost. Your allies every day? Yellow Zebra kiwi TM Sun Gold TM. And to brighten up your morning and the morning of your children, what could be better than enjoying the benefits of this fruit in original bowls photographed by a famous studio? If you have never thought of improving your morning routine like this, well with Zespri TMGetting started has never been easier. To win these unusual and super hot pots, all you have to do is buy 7 kiwifruits from Zespri TM. No, you are not dreaming. No need to embark on a test worthy of Koh Lanta to win one of the two bowls at Studio Jonesie. The only rule to share is to make 7 kiwis from Zespri TMEssential items on your shopping list. Then, to play, Visit the site From 13 June. Something that makes you want to start a beautiful collection for the whole family.

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Why participate in the game Zespri TM ?

Now that you know how to win these fun and adorable pots, let’s tell you why you’ll love making yellow kiwifruit from Zespri TM Sun Gold TM Your new allies over a rich breakfast. We know that in order to be healthy we should eat 5 fruits and vegetables daily. When you combine flavors and benefits, all the better. Fortunately this is the case, the yellow zesberry kiwi TM Sun Gold TM. Although we love its cousin, the green kiwi, the yellow kiwi zest TM Sun Gold TM It has a milder taste, which tempts the palate of young and old alike. Also juicier, fresher and a bit more acidic, it’s the right alternative for our summer mornings, and for getting our kids to eat fruit for breakfast.

What are the benefits of yellow zesprey sungold kiwi fruit?

If the perfume and flavors of Zesbury yellow kiwi TM Sun Gold TMEnough to overpower our taste buds and convince us to eat it daily for breakfast, we will enjoy it more by knowing its benefits. Because yes, pleasure goes hand in hand with health. So, if you want a breakfast that makes you satisfied, you have to combine the good and the healthy. Yellow Zebra kiwi TM Sun Gold TM, so rich in Vitamin C that it covers 100% of our daily needs*. And nothing beats a good dose of Vitamin C to start your day off right. This vitamin is an antioxidant that protects against cell aging. It promotes the formation of collagen and thus the preservation of the skin. Vitamin C is also a major anti-fatigue. It contributes to the synthesis of adrenaline and noradrenaline allowing us to boost all day. Finally, our ally will also be maintaining our physical fitness, because it fights excess weight and allows you to burn fat.

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Obviously, between June 13th and September 19th, there is no longer any excuse not to make zesberry kiwifruit. TM Sun Gold TM New breakfast companions. Enjoy it on its own by the spoon, or savor it in a super elegant bowl, mixed with natural yogurt, we get the morning boost you deserve!

* One zipper kiwi TM Sun Gold TM Over 53 grams provides 100% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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