KOC: Giovanni Fernandez, native of Cognac, heritage at heart

KOC: Giovanni Fernandez, native of Cognac, heritage at heart

National ceremony of Frederic and Emmanuel, presidents of the Pythagorean Academy of Cognac and Bordeaux after living the life of fighters at the top. The second held three world champion belts (2004, 2007, 2008) in the featherweight category, i.e. -66 kg. The first lost two matches for the world title in the same category, but achieved several prestigious victories, including his victory in Edinburgh with Scot Paul Reid (25 wins and 13 defeat) in 2009.

“What pride”

At the foot of the mountain he wants to climb, their heir already has a status.” Double French amateur champion in pankration -61 kg (2022, 2023),” another mixed martial arts equivalent.

In Kenpo, the man who grew up in Chateaubernard also shined during his KOC debut last year, winning the first round, with his father and uncle in his corner.

Gio surprised me by putting on my entrance music from that time, the theme song from the movie The Last of the Mohicans, when he got to the octagon, I cried.He trusts his father. Then when he knocked his opponent down, my brother and I hugged each other. What pride… »

Emmanuel Fernandez agrees: “ My three daughters and Fred’s three daughters are in the middle, but they see the only boy in the family (penultimate of his brothers) Ensuring succession is great fun. »

Especially since Giovanni has turned pro at No. 1any April. If the Cognac citizen spoiled his baptism by fire in Porto with the Portuguese Denis Lima Rosa, he made up for it in Castres on June 16, with a victory after the referee stopped in front of George Nujoma.

He lost his first fight due to a rookie mistakeHe regrets his father. While he was in control, he threw himself and found himself on the ground receiving blows… »

His son is still angry: I carry a legacy that prevents me from losing, and that’s what really pissed me off. Perhaps because I underestimated my opponent, I doubted myself more and worked harder. »

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He is the one who has already started a race against time since his beginnings, believing that he started mixed martial arts very late, in 2019. Even if his seven years in gymnastics, his only season of rugby in Cognac (2019-2020) and especially his discovery of his “ 6-7 years » Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu makes him a more complete athlete.

When he was 6-7 years old, he was running around the KOC stands imitating fightsFrédéric recalls. I still see myself preventing him from staying until the end, at midnight, and taking him out of the room at nine in the evening while he was crying to stay. »

Giovanni prefers to remember other moments: “ People kept telling me, “You’ll end up like your uncle and your father.” I always answered them: Yes, yes, you will see! (He laughs) “

But we never paid it », confirms his father. Emmanuel Fernandez continues: “ We do not put any pressure on him. Let’s go piano piano. »

“My name was never heavy”

What does the main person think? ” My name has never been heavy. For me, it’s natural to carry the torch. I see this as a particular advantage because thanks to their network, they allow me to train with great fighters like lightweight Benoit Saint-Denis. (Four successes and one setback in the UFC, the main mixed martial arts league). Because of their level, they also give me a lot of advice. »

To help him assert his aggressive style. ” Geo is very angry, and he quickly electrocutes his counterpart with lightning in his fists, just like his father », his uncle smiles.

Identical characteristics down to the physical level, as both are 1.70 meters tall, compared to 1.69 meters for “Manu”. His nephew may not grow up anymore. But by working on combat and ground, he will become more complete than Fred “.

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The final nuance: ” But the little one rushes. He must know how to delay and build his battle. »

The bantamweight is not kind to himself, and only attributes his faults to himself. ” I have work to do to have my father’s punching side, my uncle’s patience and their talent down to earth. »

In the meantime, Giovanni is at least making use of their huge address book. ” My promoter is my dad, so finding fights is much easier », laughs the person who can be called hyperactive.

Considering the pace of his life, the doctor who diagnosed him like this could not have been wrong: “ Sometimes my dad and I would wake up at 6 a.m. to run. In the back, I will be working on a fixed term contract as a laborer at Safran Aerosystems from 8am to 4:45pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 12pm on Friday. Knowing that I train six days a week, from 7pm to 9pm on weekdays, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm on Saturdays, and that I sometimes go jogging on Sundays. »

Many weeks of preparation, elimination every three or four months, fifteen days of rest… without forgetting that this program can be turned upside down in the event of injury.

Just like his combat bonuses,” From 500 to 1000 euros depending on the ceremony », which is in addition to his minimum wage (1,383.09 euros net per month).

For me, this rhythm is natural“, answers Giovanni. I have to give myself the means to become a champion, and first of all, we all have to go through that. Ideally, I would like to make a living from mixed martial arts within three or four years. »

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What if it doesn’t break through? ” I love my job so I wouldn’t mind staying that way throughout my career. »

“I will meet him after 21 years.”

When we know that Pure Grape Juice Cognaçais hopes to fight until the age of 40…” I don’t worry about him because he is incredibly serious and strict.“, confirms Emmanuel Fernandez. He doesn’t smoke, drink, or go out. »

Giovanni burst out laughing: On the other hand, my father and uncle never passed it on to me! »

His reserved side comes from his father. ” Except you have to know how to sell yourself, put on a show on social media… to have a great MMA career ‘Manu thinks.

His nephew replies: I will remain as I am. I’d rather put the show in the octagon. I would win many world belts in the UFC, in my weight class and then my father and uncle. »

Right now, in the octagon, it’s still me who wins », raises Emmanuel.

Giovanni concludes: “ I’m not interested in beating him in training. I will meet him in 21 years to compare our records. »

With this boldness, there is no doubt that it is definitely Fernandes.

A record sixteenth edition?

For 16H KOC edition, Saturday from 7pm, Frédéric Fernandez hopes to see Fuzel” It was sold out with 2,500 spectators in attendance “.
The program includes 14 Kenpo fights, three five-minute rounds for professionals and three minutes for amateurs.
Among the main competitors, in the professional heavyweight (-120 kg), Chamseddine Djafal (Pythagoras of Bordeaux) faces Nusret Kurtović (Wiri Combat Academy), while in the -61 kg (bantamweight), he challenges Giovanni Fernandez (Pythagoras of Cognac) of Portugal. . Thiago Reine, ADCC Champion Spain.
Prices: €15 in advance, €20 on site, free for children under 10.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

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