La Citadelle is testing a remote monitoring system that allows a patient undergoing surgery # to leave hospital faster and in complete safety

La Citadelle is testing a remote monitoring system that allows a patient undergoing surgery # to leave hospital faster and in complete safety

On the occasion of World Obesity Day, the CHR de la Citadelle is highlighting an innovative project in bariatric surgery: the implementation of remote monitoring that allows the patient undergoing surgery (eg for a bypass) to return home quickly with the benefit of permanent bariatric surgery. Reassuring postoperative follow-up. To do this, 5 partners actively cooperated: the Citadelle Hospital, the Masana company, the insurance company Ethias, the CSD remote monitoring centers and Vitatel.

It is clear that this return home – the day after the intervention – is strictly supervised: the patient receives a “kit” with attached instruments that allow him to measure temperature, saturation and heartbeat: ” The data is automatically processed by our app and sent to the hospital Céline Lejeune, Project Manager at Masana that specializes exclusively in health. ” And if a piece of data appears suspicious, this triggers a live alert with the remote monitoring centers of the joint partners, namely CSD and Vitatel, which in turn work in close cooperation with the obesity clinic and the emergency department of the castle “.

In addition, the patient fills out a questionnaire twice daily – again via the application on his smartphone – in which he notes his impressions of the pain he feels, information on re-feeding, etc. Remote monitoring is scheduled for 15 days.

Under this pilot project, the patient pays nothing. It is the insurance company Ethias that funds the experience through its partnership with the Masana app.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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