La Factory revival in Cannes with northern Portugal

La Factory revival in Cannes with northern Portugal

– After three years of pandemic absence, the program that promotes the emergence of young filmmakers will return to the Quinzaine des Cinéastes

La Factory revival in Cannes with northern Portugal

Director Mariana Bartolo (© Fest Espinho) and director Guillermo García López (© Fundación Princesa de Girona), one of the duo in the spotlight this year

58 directors from 70 different nationalities with short films and first feature projects: since 2013, directed by Al-Masnaa Dominic Wilensky As part of Quinzaine Cannes, Croisette demonstrates and highlights emerging talent on the international scene. A highly rewarding business qualitatively since the 30 short films produced have won more than 50 awards worldwide and have been followed by 28 firsts, including I’m not a witch [+lire aussi :
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Renamed Filmmakers’ Factory, a program that has been forced to be silenced by the pandemic since 2019, it will return to its regular showing for the 55th edition. Two weeks of filmmakers (From May 17 to 26 as part of the 76th Cannes Film Festival). After Taiwan, Denmark, Finland, Chile, South Africa, Lebanon, Tunisia and the Balkans, northern Portugal will be in the spotlight. Three short films led by The Factory, co-written and directed as a duo by three Portuguese filmmakers linked to three international filmmakers (from Israel, Iran and Spain) will therefore be shown on May 17, the opening day of the parallel section. The six selected filmmakers will take advantage of their presence on Croisette to present their first feature projects to professionals (producers, distributors and sellers). The duo is in the spotlight this year Andre GuillomarMia KaplanAnd Maria by Mario MacedoDornaz Haga And Mariana BartoloGuillermo Garcia Lopez.

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Factory 2023 is organized by Quinzaine des Cinéastes, Bando a Parte and DW with the support of several Portuguese institutions (ICA, RTP, FilmportoCamara Municipal do Porto, Camara Municipal do Guimarães Kurta Metrag AgencyCurtas Vila do Conde ISFF, Olho de Vidro) and French from Cineli Digital.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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