Large numbers of soldiers in Anakaley, preparing to intervene

Large numbers of soldiers in Anakaley, preparing to intervene

Very early this morning, several hundred members of the security forces were stationed in front of the station in Suarano, in front of the May 3 theatre, in Analakili, as well as along the Independence Roads. In addition to soldiers and gendarmes armed with batons, armored tanks, and several other trucks filled with men in uniforms armed with tear gas canisters. According to Taish, they are preparing to maintain public order, as part of a political demonstration attempt by opposition parties.

In an unofficial communiqué, made last Wednesday, the opposition parties assembled inside the “Rodoben’ny manophitra ho an’ny demokrasia eto Madagasikara (RMDM)” reportedly announced the organization of a political demonstration in the closed Magro district of Behoririka, in the morning. This Saturday. The unstated goal of this demonstration will be the overthrow of the current regime by street movements, and the return of former President Marc Ravalomanana to power.

All the supporters of the opposition parties had called to make his neighbor aware to go to Horerica during the day and drain as many masses as possible to show that the current opponents of the regime are united. If the show of force is confirmed, the protesters will then plan to invest in the place of May 13, the usual venue for the political movements that led to the overthrow of the country’s political regimes.

Security forces investing in and around Analakely are then mobilized to prevent any intrusion by protesters at Place du 13 Mai. But for many observers, the mobilization of large numbers of men in uniform is an attempt to suppress democracy and the movements of a population tired of the current system and its inability to manage the crisis and raise the standard of living. Madagascar, the majority of them are constantly becoming poorer.

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A year after the end of the term of Andrei Rajoelina, this political mobilization is eagerly awaited, especially since the existing system was never stable, because it did not receive a majority of the votes of all Malagasy voters who, for the most part, preferred to abstain in the presidential elections.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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