Learn to decipher body language signals!

Learn to decipher body language signals!

Discover how to decipher the meaning of certain gestures and learn to better understand the emotions of your interlocutors thanks to the science of body language.

Introduction: Non-verbal communication, a universal language

In our daily exchange, our bodies transmit a lot more information than we think. In fact, it is estimated that body posture will account for 55% of the message, words only 7%, and intonation 38%. By carefully observing the face, hands and posture of the interlocutor, it is possible to detect if he is tense, angry, or if he is lying. Henrik Fixiusa Swedish mentalist, who has studied nonverbal communication and reveals it in his work The art of reading minds His best advice for deciphering the unconscious messages of our interlocutors.

Synergy: the science of body language

Synergy is a foundation system Philip Torchet Who studies body language to decode gestures and better understand our interlocutor. This science allows us to learn to read between the lines of nonverbal communication and to anticipate the reactions of those around us.

Detect stress through body language

Tension is often manifested by signs of nervousness or irritation on the face or hands of the interlocutor. Pursing your lips or playing with your fingers, for example, can indicate anxiety or stress. In a more subtle way, a person who is nervous or uneasy can swallow their saliva or blink more quickly.

How to detect a liar thanks to his movements?

A liar may betray nervousness with actions such as covering his mouth with a hand or finger, fidgeting, or rubbing the back of his neck. According to Henrik Fexeus, the way we speak and the quality of our voice can also change when we lie. For example, one might pause too long or too short, and try to stop by dragging vowels or stammering nervously.

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Our hands and arms: expressive allies

Our hands and arms are real tools of expression and can reveal our feelings. Hands stuck between the legs show a lack of self-confidence, while talking with hands together upwards expresses confidence and an attitude of superiority. Crossed arms is often seen as a sign of closure and distance, but it can also be an attitude of comfort or affirmation, depending on the context.

The gaze: the mirror of the soul

Our eyes are often considered a reflection of our soul, and it is true that they express a lot of emotions. However, according to Henrik Fexeus, one should not rely solely on appearance to determine if someone is lying. The liar may exaggerate by avoiding looking or holding it too much. The eyes can also naturally look away depending on our state of mind: sadness, shame, rejection, etc.

Pupils practice

In his book, Henrik Fexeus offers an exercise for observing the reaction of the eyes of our interlocutor. Talk about a boring topic, then change the subject to something that interests him. Notice how his pupils dilate as he becomes more interested in the conversation.

Smile: True or False?

A real smile is characterized by the appearance of fine lines around the eyes. If a person smiles without expressing emotion at eye level, they are likely to force themselves.

everyday gestures

We make many unconscious gestures on a daily basis: scratching our forehead, touching the tip of our nose, replacing a lock of hair, and so on. These gestures can reveal feelings such as difficulty in self-expression, interest, focus, or even embarrassment.

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It is important to note that body language is not an exact science and the non-verbal behavior of our interlocutor should not be interpreted too quickly. Consider the person’s background and typical behavior before jumping to conclusions. By mastering the art of synergy, you will be able to better understand the feelings of those around you and improve your relationships.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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