Let’s go crazy with the Baroque Ensemble de Toulouse!

Let’s go crazy with the Baroque Ensemble de Toulouse!

Under the direction of Michel Brun, Ensemble Baroque de Toulouse invites you to a moment of lightness in these trying times through a program entitled sweet madness And that, in two speeches, on Friday 25 March at 8:30 p.m. in Saint-Exupère and the next day at 5 p.m. in Portet-sur-Garonne in Saint-Martin’s Basilica.

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The program revolves around a topic Foolishness Say From Spain but also Italian and French or hasGerman Then the last part with the entire French Follies. For the first performances, composers such as Corelli, Geminiani, Lully, Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach are called.

It continues with an imaginary sequence called Victory Alcione Where they will meet sea ​​swamp And the Bernard Impel Dubuis. For the first time, he hasn’t seen the movie yet Every morning the world Shall we relive the life of the famous violinist, or playlist of the time of Louis XIV, Marine Marais? As for the second, let’s talk a little bit about chauvinistic history. He is a 26-year-old ballet opera composer Triumph of the arts An ambitious and brilliant work of a regional Baroque repertoire. Composed in 1733, and created on August 22 of the same year, its composer, an eminent musician, was a capelmeister at Saint-Sernin until 1740 but failed at Saint-Étienne and was “contracted” to Saint-Bertrand de Cummings in general 1742. He married at the age of thirty-seven and had eight children! He returned to Saint-Sernin in 1745 to remain there until 1788, when the chapel was dissolved. Lying in a monastery that has now disappeared. If anyone can provide information on the situation then who is the aforementioned monastery?

Michelle Brun @Monique Potolo

The madalso known as foliaIndeed, it is one of the oldest and most recurring European musical themes, a very simple subject that became a huge “success” of Baroque music. A colossal success in a time far removed from today’s means of communication, it inspired over one hundred and fifty listed European composers from the sixteenth to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries! But in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in particular, this air was captured by the biggest names in music during the so-called Baroque period. Baroque, to remember the word coming from Portuguese baroquethe irregular pearl, and thus all that is strange, strange, outside the established standards especially in architecture….

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The exact origin of folk melody is usually very ambiguous. Joe Iberian Shepherds? It was in the Iberian Peninsula, probably in Portugal in the fifteenth century, it appeared before it spread to Spain. Gil Vincente (v1465-1537), the father of Portuguese theater and musician, is among the first to mention this song, folia, Unbridled fun for the peasants as they sing and dance on this theme. Spanish songbook (Cancionero de Palacio) goes back to the Catholic Kings at the end of the fifteenth century, as well as other Iberian Renaissance authors. Sebastian de Covarrubias y Orozco described it in 1611: “ It is a Portuguese dance, very loud, in which many characters are performed to the sound of tambourines and other instruments. (…) The noise is so intense and the rhythm is so fast that the dancers seem to have lost their minds, which is why they called this dance the Folia.

Pietro Paolini (1603 – 1681)

This dance reached the Italian “shoe” provinces at the dawn of the 17th century and spread rapidly throughout Western Europe. In 1604, Johannes (Giovanni) Kapsberger, of German descent, born in Veneto and founded in Rome, talentedly composed the figures of chitaron (a variant of the lute) on the theme of Folia.

It often gets slower and more serious, like passacaglia (which also tends to be confused with chaconne), also Hispanic, variations included. At the same time the topic is evolving and it is necessary to wait for Lully to give the Folies their final form.

Let’s leave aside the British Isles where madness The musical field is not particularly distinguished and let’s join the Italian provinces where La Folia captures the sound and the souls. Arcangelo Corelli, folia (1700), one of the most famous follies, Alessandro Scarlatti, Sr., FAriazioni sulla Follia di Spagna (1723), Antonio Vivaldi, folia (1703), also one of the most famous, Francesco Giminiani (1687-1762), folia, are here. Thus, Spain with Gaspar Sanz, Leaves (c. 1675), Antonio Martin Y Cole: Differences in folias (early eighteenth century).

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Even if the abundance is less, the folia Germanic music permeates where we can note Johann Sebastian Bach, Folia (Air Unser trefflicher) from Cantata BWV 212 Here is the sea in New Oberket (We have new wallets.) The Leipzig Anthem included this song in his Cantata des Paysans (Bach’s original title is Burlesque Cantata) dated 1742. After father, son Karl Philipp Emmanuel Bach (1714-1788) with: Twelve Variations on Foliz Spain.

So it’s the true Western European music!!

Toulouse Baroque Ensemble @ Monique Boutolo

Learn more about the musical activity of that period, click here.

Michel Grealu

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Toulouse Baroque Ensemble

Culture 31 – Classical Music

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