LLCER specialization at a glance

LLCER specialization at a glance

With a specialization in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, you will strengthen your mastery of the chosen language, but also your knowledge of the culture associated with that language. These assets will be useful to you in many areas: trade, tourism, international relations, etc.

Depending on the high school you attend, the languages ​​available in the LLCER major (Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures, and Cultures) vary. repeat Foreign languages, you can choose from :

  • Einglish
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • English in the Contemporary World

Some institutions test Portuguese as well.

In terms of regional languages, some high schools offer:

  • Basque
  • Corsica
  • Catalan
  • Occitan from OC
  • Breton
  • Tahiti
  • creole

First, you will have Four hours from LLCER, then six hours at the station.

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LLCER . Specialization Program

for a year or even two years, You will discover the literature and culture of your chosen language, through many mediums: extracts from novels, newspaper articles, poems, as well as paintings, music, films and serials.… In the premiere as in the classroom, you will study up to two complete literary works and a film that your teachers choose from the lists that appear over here.

The goal: better understand the language, better express yourself, both in writing and in speaking. You will be asked to write text comments, film reviews, or prepare presentations or debates.

Each time, the works that you will study in class will be linked to a specific topic, as shown in the following table:

Einglish English MC Italian
First – Topic 1 fantasies Knowledge, creativity and innovation fantasies
First – Topic 2 he met agencies Powers and counterpowers
Tele – Theme 1 Arts and discussions of ideas make society Travel
Tele – Theme 2 Self expression and creation Environments and Mutations contrast art
Tele – Theme 3 Travels, territories and borders Relationship with the world Laboratorio Italiano
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German Spanish
First – Topic 1 fantasies Movement of people and ideas
First – Topic 2 Representations and expressions of memory Diversity of the Spanish-speaking world
Tele – Theme 1 Travel: the circulation of people and ideas Cultural Representations: Between Imagination and Reality
Tele – Theme 2 Forms and foundations of social bonds in the German-speaking region Domination and disobedience
Tele – Theme 3 The German-speaking region and its legends Spain and Latin America in the world: challenges, perspectives and creativity

LLCER specialty exams

If you leave the major at the end of the first year, you will be assessed on the Continuing Assessment, according to a factor of 8.

for others, The final exam, with a factor of 16, consists of a written test and an oral test.

Writing lasts 3 and a half hours and is divided into two exercises:

Documentary file summary – out of 16 points
This file consists of text and sometimes images. In 500 words it answers the questions and instructions indicated regarding this file.

Translation – 4 points
You are translating, into French, a passage from one of the texts in the file.

The mouth lasts for twenty minutes. You have ten minutes to submit a file that includes many of the works you have studied over the last year. For the next 10 minutes, the examiner will ask you questions.

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Mastering a foreign language will help you in almost any field. This will be one of the most valuable assets if you are moving towards studies related to literature or languages, with an LLCE or Applied Foreign Languages ​​license. But if you go to tourism or networking, with BTS, or if you go to business school, this linguistic and cultural dimension will work in your favor.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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