Lost in Sensations, extraordinary residences surrounded by nature in Marcenais

Lost in Sensations, extraordinary residences surrounded by nature in Marcenais

In June 2022, Nav Pinto Doris, a fifty-year-old Brazilian-Italian-Portuguese woman, imagined extraordinary and luxurious residences in the heart of nature. The search for the perfect location led her to Marcenais.

“I was doing an interesting and profitable job…

In June 2022, Nav Pinto Doris, a fifty-year-old Brazilian-Italian-Portuguese woman, imagined extraordinary and luxurious residences in the heart of nature. The search for the perfect location led her to Marcenais.

“I was doing an interesting and profitable job in a Parisian advertising agency, but I was like a lion in a cage and my career no longer made any sense to me.”

Nav discovered the Japanese philosophy of Ikigai and the idea of ​​sharing protected nature with people in unusual, luxurious and friendly residences became apparent to lovers of decor and china at flea markets.

A visit to Bordeaux and its countryside led her to Marsigny, where five hectares of woods and greenery awaited her, at the center of which was the Charente farm. Much renovation work, carried out by local contractors, was necessary to build five lodges and a wellness area, Lost in Sensations (referring to the five senses). The building opened its doors in June 2023.

Hearing is stimulated in the music room equipped with various instruments, sight is served in an outdoor lounge with cushions and a fireplace, tasting is set in a baroque dining room open day and night, smell is set in plantations of aromatic plants and touch is appreciated by the heated pool, gym and sauna. And the spa.

As for accommodation, you can choose an “Out of Africa” style lodge, a Bulle Suite from which you can see the starry sky, and a yurt, all decorated with elegance and luxury. Three themed bedrooms, equipped with exquisitely designed bathrooms, complete the suite.

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Nav sums up his vision for this magical and extraordinary place: “We wanted to bring luxury to nature for travelers who want to take care of themselves and who seek authenticity. » The owner and director plan to organize artistic encounters in this epicurean place with temporary exhibitions of local photographers, painters or sculptors.

To all this must be added the services provided by local shareholders, a bar serving hard-to-find alcoholic beverages, gourmet cuisine and a concierge able to meet the needs of guests in need of nature.

Nav Pinto Durias, Tel. 07 67 71 84 63 and information about: www.lostinsensations.com

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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