Lovers of long vocal notes? According to science, you are a narcissist!

Lovers of long vocal notes?  According to science, you are a narcissist!

When it comes to audio notes, Two teams opposing each other : There are those who can chain them all day and who inevitably prefer to be ignored. If you fall into the first category, know that according to science, the longer you sing, the more the person performing it will be a narcissist.

“It has become more common since 2019-2020 and this phenomenon has been reinforced by consecutive confinement,” Célia Schneebeli, (lecturer and researcher in linguistics at the University of Burgundy) particularly explained to the media Obs.

While the sounds make some messages less aggressive, It’s also a way to control his audio image (because yeah, we’ve all scanned his audio to get it back): “Just as on social networks, then there is the whole game of self-representation, and here the voice, we wonder what voice embodiment we want to present.”explains Olivier Glassy (still in Obs columns. Returning to egocentrism, Celia Schnebeli continues: “It’s a little selfish to use voicemail instead of calling, because you don’t have to wait for the other person to be available anymore and you can reach out when you feel like it. Depending on their schedule.

In short, as practical as it is, a voice message can quickly betray you!

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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