Macky Sall potential UN Secretary-General? Dream or reality? »

Macky Sall potential UN Secretary-General? Dream or reality? »

The Secretary General is supposed to be the voice of the people of the world, especially the poor and vulnerable. One of its main roles is to take steps to prevent the emergence, exacerbation or spillover of international conflicts.

When Mr. Macky Sall ruled Senegal for 12 years, what do we mainly remember of his rule?

** Frequent bloodbaths. More than 50 dead so far. It is likely to increase a lot before February 2024

** Deep political struggles continue, against the backdrop of unspeakable hatred between those in power and the relentless opposition.

** Always disastrous and bloody management of internal political demonstrations and conflicts

** Relentless calls for genocide and crimes against humanity are coming from his camp

** A global registry of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience

** A world record for journalists imprisoned for reporting justice and honesty

** Normalization of torture until the detainees’ testicles were electrocuted

** A world record for prison overcrowding and the dehumanization of detention centers

** Complaints for crimes against humanity in France and Canada at the International Criminal Court against Mr. Macky Sall and part of his administration

** Siege and weak points in an entire region such as Casamance

**The economic scandals that number in the hundreds, affecting nearly all of Mr. Sale’s employees, his family, and his in-laws

If with all this, Mr. Macky Sall thinks he has a profile for the job, it makes you smile. For a reporter, he may have only been harassing his client. It is of course impossible for Mr. Macky Sall to have any job at the United Nations. The establishment will not risk having a Secretary-General booed wherever he goes, facing demonstrations by citizens demanding justice for the many victims, and so on.

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Anyway, just look below at the profile of all those who had to do this job to see that Mr. Macky Sall is the complete opposite of the job profile. So the only possibility that Mr. Macky Sall might one day become the Secretary-General of the United Nations is to be in a dream during a long sleep. He could even do more than two periods this way

Antonio Guterres. Portugal. Since 2017
** Background: Secretary General of the Socialist Party – Portuguese Prime Minister – President of Socialism International – High Commissioner of the United Nations
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of committing economic crimes on his account: 1 charge of corruption, 200 thousand euros
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

Ban Ki-moon. korean. 2007-2016
** Background: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes on his account: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

Kofi Annan. Ghana. 1997-2006
** Background: Undersecretary of the United Nations Ministry
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes under his belt: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Egypt. 1992-1996
** Background: Minister of Foreign Affairs – Honorary Doctorate
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes on his account: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

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Javier Perez de Cuellar. Peru. 1982-1991
** Background: Permanent Representative to the United Nations
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes on his account: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

Kurt Waldheim. Austria. 1972-1981
** Background: Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes on his account: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

U Thant. Burma. 1953-1961
** Background: Press Director – Prime Minister – Permanent Representative to the United Nations
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes on his account: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

Dag Hammarskjöld. Sweden. 1946-1952
** Background: PCA Banque Centrale – Minister of Foreign Affairs – Deputy Head of the Swedish Delegation to the United Nations
** Complaint against him at the International Criminal Court: No
** Accusations of economic crimes on his account: No
** The number of dead and wounded civilians and tortured to his account: zero

Who sees one item in Mr. Macky Sall’s profile, that looks like an ex-UN SGS item? Does one not become the Secretary General of the United Nations when he becomes the manager of McDonald’s, no matter how dismal his past?

* Written by Boubaker Sal
Email: [email protected]

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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