Managing Director Christine Ormier-Widner (formerly Air France) was landed by the Portuguese state

Managing Director Christine Ormier-Widner (formerly Air France) was landed by the Portuguese state

Manuel Biga, TAP Signature and Managing Director, Frenchwoman Christine Ormier-Widener will not survive the ” Tapgate They were sacked on Monday after the scandal erupted in December when the press revealed that Alexandra Reis, then Secretary of State for the Treasury, had left the board of directors of the company with compensation of 500,000 euros. sata.

Lufthansa is looking to Portugal’s TAP to provide furniture in Latin America

turn the page ” And ” Restore legitimacy »

Prior to these dismissals, this issue had already caused the resignation of the former Minister of Infrastructure and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, thus damaging the image of the Socialist CEO of Prime Minister Antonio Costa.

It is necessary to restore legality ” And ” turn the page Finance Minister Fernando Medina said at a press conference alongside Infrastructure Minister Joao Galamba, both of whom share responsibility for the air carrier. Their decision was the result of an investigation by the Inspector General of Finance which concluded that the agreement governing the departure of Alexandra Reis from the TAP Board of Directors in February 2022 was unlawful. Receive.

The isolated leader confirmed that she had followed up. Lawyers’ recommendations »

During a parliamentary hearing, Christine Ormeyer-Widner explained that Alexandra Reis’ departure from the company was a result of ” differences relating to the implementation of the rescue plan, specifying that it has been followed” Attorney’s recommendations »Concerning the information communicated and reported to the state, the shareholder is always.

She also said that efforts to change the TAP had begun ” to achieve results The Portuguese Airlines group, whose difficulties increased with the pandemic, was completely renamed in a state of emergency in 2020, in exchange for the implementation of the restructuring plan imposed by Brussels. The rescue plan of TAP, amounting to 3.2 billion euros, included, among others , reducing its workforce, lowering wages or downsizing its fleet.

See also  Air France canceled one in ten flights on Tuesday, excluding long haul flights

these results Give us confidence for 2023, but TAP, whose government has announced its intention to reactivate, needs to ” stability Air France KLM has not hidden its interest in taking a stake just like Lufthansa.

Formerly of Air France, where she began her career in 1988 in the field of maintenance, Christine Ormier-Widener managed the British regional company Flybee between 2017 and 2020, after taking control of CityJet in 2010 when this The Irish company belongs to the French group. Took over TAP on June 24, 2021.