Map. In Maine-et-Loire, 10 municipalities have been colonized by the tiger mosquito.

Map. In Maine-et-Loire, 10 municipalities have been colonized by the tiger mosquito.

In Maine and LoireWhiteflyknown as the tiger mosquito, is gradually colonizing the department. The Regional Health Agency (ARS), in collaboration with the prefecture and local authorities, is holding Record of tiger mosquito establishment in the Pays de la Loire region. There are 33 municipalities colonized by the insect.

Read also: Decoding. “There will be more and more tiger mosquitoes in the Pays de la Loire,” warns the Agricultural Rescue Association

We call on citizens to report the presence of this pest that can transmit diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika to Custom siteSome municipalities, which are not yet concerned, have begun to raise awareness among their residents on this issue.

But then, how to recognize it? Tiger mosquitoes can be identified by their black and white stripes and a white central line from the head to the chest. They are between 4 and 5 cm long and are active during the day, from May to November.

Colonial municipalities

Here is a map showing the ten already colonized municipalities in Maine-et-Loire. Trélazé since 2017, Chacé (commune of Bellevigne-les-Châteaux) since 2018, Les Garennes-sur-Loire since 2020, Angers, Avrillé, Mûrs-Erigné, Saint-Melaine-sur-Aubance, Saumur and La Séguinière since 2023. The city of Brissac-Loire-Aubance has also been affected since 2024.

With photos or a sample that allows you to identify him, you can report him.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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