Metaverse: Parallel Universe of the Future

Metaverse: Parallel Universe of the Future

Metaverse: Parallel Universe of the Future

The word “metavers” is a term of the future that deserves to be known! (photo courtesy)

One of the words you’ll hear a lot in the coming years is undoubtedly “metaverse”. If this term is unfamiliar to you, here is its simplified meaning!


Metaverse is a parallel universe that does not exist physically and is made entirely by computer. Rather than simply watching it on screen (as with a traditional video game), this world allows the user to immerse themselves in it “physically”.


Access to the Metaverse is mainly achieved through a pair of goggles or a helmet that completely fills the visual field, creating the illusion that you are in another world. You develop in the latter thanks to a virtual version of yourself (your avatar), whose actions are directed by the movements of your head and the joystick that you hold in your hands.

For a more immersive experience, you can wear special gloves that give you precise control over your virtual environment. There are also various costumes and accessories with sensors that allow your avatar to faithfully imitate your gestures, and even get haptic feedback! For example, if you are engaged in a virtual sword fight, you will feel a blow from the enemy through the process of electrical stimulation.


In addition to offering adventures more realistic than ever before, the metaverse allows you to interact with other people who join the same world as you without leaving your living room. So it is possible to see your friends or co-workers (or more precisely, their avatar), to discuss and play with them – and why not – to replace a regular business meeting by videoconferencing with an unforgettable meeting at the top of a luxury. mountain!

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About the Author: Octávio Florencio

"Evangelista zumbi. Pensador. Criador ávido. Fanático pela internet premiado. Fanático incurável pela web."

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