Missing translations? Add it to any streaming movie/series

Missing translations?  Add it to any streaming movie/series

Don't have a French translation of the latest episode of your favorite series or one of your favorite movies? Add it via your browser.

Streaming subtitled movie seriesMissing translations?  Add it to any streaming movie/series

There may be several reasons to add subtitles to a movie or series. Whether it's to watch your fantasy in a language that streaming platforms don't offer. Because the existing translation does not suit you. Why not improve in a foreign language? Good news, there is a devilishly effective tool that will allow you to achieve your goals.

Optimized Fire fox And chrome,plugin substitute It is a little gem that allows you to include translations in the language of your choice. This is directly on your browser. Once you install the extension, navigate to your preferred streaming platform. Substital is particularly compatible with Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Youtube, Dailymotion And Vimeo. When you play a movie or an episode of a series, you can check, by clicking on the extension at the top right of your browser, that it recognizes the fantasy you are watching.

To read > Stream movies and series with the best viewing: Netflix, Amazon, Disney, etc. ?

How to add subtitles with Substital?

In this test, we tried to incorporate Chinese subtitles into the movie The amazing structure Released in 2008. After the release of the feature film available on Disney+, you must click on the small icon. The extension is supposed to recognize the content that is currently being viewed.

Image 1: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/seriesImage 1: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/series
Credit: Tom's Guide

Then click on the name of the novel and a search bar will appear. Type the content name last. Also select the subtitle language you want to merge by opening the blue drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can also merge your own subtitle file (acceptable format: .SRT or .ZIP contains .SRT) by dragging and dropping.

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Image 2: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/seriesImage 2: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/series
Credit: Tom's Guide

Once done, you should find subtitles in the target language if available. Click on it to download it to the player.

Image 3: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/seriesImage 3: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/series
Credit: Tom's Guide

That's it ! Your translations are now activated! If that doesn't work for you, feel free to start the process again to upload another translation file.

Image 4: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/seriesImage 4: Missing subtitles?  Add it to any streaming movie/series
Credit: Tom's Guide

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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