Monopox, Mopox, Mpox… What will be the new name for monkeypox?

Monopox, Mopox, Mpox… What will be the new name for monkeypox?

In mid-June, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it wanted to change the name monkeypox due to the stigma and discrimination faced by people suffering from the disease. If the new name will see the light of day in the “next few weeks”, the World Health Organization already has some proposals.

It’s not easy. As of August 4, 2022, there are 2,423 confirmed cases monkeypox It was recognized in France. On the other side of the planet, in the United States, more than 6,600 have been confirmed, leading authorities to declare the pandemic a “public health emergency.”

However, as the number of cases continues to rise, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) indicated in mid-June its intention to rename the disease.

In fact, the namemonkey pox(also called “monkeypox”) Many politicians and scientists dislike it. It is also a stigma for those who suffer from it because of the term “monkey” or “monkey” in the name of the disease.

“Yesterday I went to the major vaccination center, Vaccine Arena, against so-called monkeypox, a term I will no longer use because it contributes to the sense of shame felt by infected people who are reluctant to get tested,” wrote Sandrine Russo, former EELV spokesperson, On August 2nd.

For this, the World Health Organization launched a call for proposals for the selection of the new name for monkeypox. Among the terms close to the name “monkeypox” are “Monopox”, “Mopox” or “Mpox”.

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These terms have the advantage of not bothering English speakers who will understand that we are always talking about the same disease.

On the part of the French public, “The French name varole du singe is more erroneous than monkeypox because, for the species name error, it adds the error of naming the variant, which leads to confusion with historical smallpox, only with human tropics and is considered exterminator,” he explained to ParisianVirologist Yannick Simonin.

“Choosing the name of a new disease is really complicated, and modifying the name of an existing disease is even more complicated!” he added.

The newspaper said the new name for monkeypox should be assigned within “a few weeks”.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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