Mosquitoes: Dengue fever is on the decline in New Caledonia but caution is still required

Mosquitoes: Dengue fever is on the decline in New Caledonia but caution is still required

Dengue fever has almost disappeared in New Caledonia thanks to numerous releases of mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia bacteria. It's essential to stay vigilant at the end of the year, especially if you're returning from a trip to an area endemic to dengue, Zika, and chikungunya viruses.

With the arrival of summer, the number of mosquitoes in New Caledonia increases. It is also the fear of finding arboviruses such as dengue fever, againsthikungunya And Zika.

Stephane Chabo, a nurse at DrThe New Caledonia Directorate of Health and Social Affairs explains that dengue cases are not increasing in the territory: “ Since the beginning of the year, eight cases of dengue fever have been recorded, the last two dating back to November. In the region, dengue is not endemic, it is often travel-related, and there is a particular prevalence of arboviruses in Southeast Asia. In the Solomon Islands, there are also Zika and dengue fever. Athletes returning from the Pacific Games in the Solomon Islands were also tested if they showed symptoms.

Caledonia is on vacation “It could become contaminated, return to the area and then develop symptoms“, the nurse testifies.

If you feel symptoms of fever or aches after a stay outside the territory, Anne Pfanstiel, a doctor in Das, offers her recommendations: “ All people who go on vacation can learn more about Ministry of Foreign Affairs website To know the viruses spread in countries. I also strongly advise you to protect yourself from mosquito bites. If you develop symptoms when you return, you should take paracetamol, not aspirin. If serious signs appear, go see a doctor.

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Worldwide, four billion people are at risk of dengue fever, and most infected people have no symptoms. “I also advise avoiding exposure to mosquito bites for 7 days after returning from vacation because they may be asymptomatic.“Continues Anne Pfanstiel.

Indeed, on December 22, the World Health Organization warned of a sharp rise in dengue cases worldwide this year. More than five million dengue cases and 5,000 deaths from the disease have been reported worldwide this year. The rise in dengue cases is because infected mosquitoes are now thriving in more countries due to global warming combined with increased emissions.

In New Caledonia, since 2019, the Global Mosquito Control Program has been relentless in its efforts to combat the dengue virus. After Noumea and Doumbia, the release of mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia bacteria began at the end of the year in Paita. Florie Schillan, sanitary engineer at DAS. We plan to expand the program to include the main municipalities of North Province, namely Foh, Kuni, Bombo and Buyendimi. These are the municipalities most affected by the viruses“, confirms Florie Schillan, sanitary engineer at DAS.Nearly 70% of New Caledonia's population is protected. Thanks to the release of mosquitoes, the number of epidemics in Grand Noumea and Noumea has decreased, protecting other municipalities“.

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About the Author: Irene Alves

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