Moto 3: The amazing crash at the end of the Portuguese Grand Prix (Video)

Moto 3: The amazing crash at the end of the Portuguese Grand Prix (Video)

On the heels of winning the Portuguese Grand Prix in Moto 3, on Sunday March 26, Spaniard Daniel Holgado was involved in a spectacular accident with Australian Joel Kelso, who broke his ankle.

Amazing Photos. On the heels of his success at the Portuguese Grand Prix in Moto 3, this Sunday, at the start of the season, Daniel Holgado was involved in a spectacular crash after crossing the finish line. While celebrating his first career victory in this category, the Spaniard was bumped from behind at high speed by Joel Kelso.

The Australian who finished the race in 9thH Place, he didn’t seem to have seen today’s winner and pinned his bike to his bike Daniel Holgado. Under the impact, Joel Kelso flew through the air before crashing violently onto the track. He was taken, conscious, to the medical center, passed the tests, which revealed a broken ankle, and should not be able to take part in the next Grand Prix, which starts next week, in Argentina.

On the other hand, Daniel Holgado fears more than harm. The Spaniard managed to avoid a fall and was able to celebrate his victory on the podium alongside compatriot David Munoz (2H) and the Brazilian Diogo Moreira (3H).

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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