4 goals. Kegongo (+1) (Borgyfoot 18b).
one goal. Sylla, Pocoah, Diaz (Borg Foot 18b).
Regional 1
After the sixth day
6 goals. Siri, Ricard (+1) (Borg Molon).
one goal. Bothen, Tselhanda, Techit, Bouzid, Sobouh, Al-Rasamel (Bourg Moulon).
Women’s Territory 1
After the sixth day
23 goals. my call (+1) (Borgfoot 18).
17 goals. light (+4) (Borgfoot 18).
8 goals. Doyle (Borgfoot 18).
6 goals. Faust (Borgfoot 18)
2 goals. Blamna (+1)Jantim (+1) (Borgy Foot 18)
one goal. Keita, Celara, Jantim, Sagna, Saifu (Borgfoot 18).
regional 2
After the sixth day
8 goals. cheerful (+1) (FC Saint-Dolchard).
7 goals. Bernard (+1) (Versone B)
4 goals. Dos Reis (Fuci/San Martin/Phoenix);
3 goals. camara (san amand); Ait Jameh (+2) (burgy foot 18 c)
2 goals. Fofana, Teixeira (Fussy/Saint-Martin/Vignoux); Sghiouari, Tichicht (Bourges Foot 18 C); da Silva Pereira (Portuguese from Bourges); Girodon (Saint-Dolchard); camera (+2) (Verizon B).
one goal. Genetti, Bohr, Sadgrow, Dupuy (FC St. Dolchard); Borlez, Aka, Ndiki, Ndiaye, Mbabo, Viot, Keita, Bernier (+1)Mbabbe Bimbele (+1) (Verizon FCB); Mallet, Zygan (Fussy/Saint-Martin/Vignoux); Mauco, Pawlowski (+1) (Bourges Football 18 C); Collado, Ozono (Portuguese from Bourges), Keita (Saint Amand).
Regional 3Regular R1 captain Christophe Claver scored with the reserve this weekend
After the sixth day
7 goals. glirat (+1) (Portuguese from Mehun).
6 goals. Tsilhanda (+3) (Borg Molon b);
5 goals. lupier (+1) (to tell)
4 goals. Desveaux (ES Trouy); moi (+1) (Maasai)
3 goals. horse (+2) (Burg Jaslik); cure (+1) (Borg Molon B)
2 goals. Voutoisa, swamp (Mihon in Portuguese); Ouvrard (+1), Popineau, Perrin (Trouy); Schrak, Shepherd (Borg Molon B); Thelino, Martin (+1) (Saint-Germain-des-Boy).
one goal. Techet, Besam, Marshall (Saint-Germain); Cain, Najid, Bulault (es Troy); Moreira, Roux, Gauthier, Ngimi, Atelle, Tondo, Limoges (+1) (SC Masay); Vikaz, Roy, Daquin, Mbuli, keyboard (+1) (Borg Molon b); Fresenda, Carneiro (Portuguese from Mihon); Roblet, Irie, Piazzola, Tanga, Thénard (+1)Rico (+1) (Borg Jaslik).