Beirut: Born on the initiative of passionate activists for art and culture, Aya Abu Hawash and Raneen Al Homsi, exhibition here (“Elles”) exhibits over three hundred original works at ABC Art Space, in the Verdun district of Beirut. The The exhibition brings together artists of different ages (from 25 to 75) from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Europe and America. Its purpose is to prove it Women can lead their own fight and communicate with the world through art. They are also required to engage in Lebanese society to change it.
In this sense, the file The description of the exhibition serves as a statement. It read: “We as women soldiers of tomorrow are the hope of our children and our communities. We are stronger when we encourage each other, when we inspire each other and when we hold each other accountable!”
“As an artist, I have always been inspired by the censored history and political memory of the Middle East,” says Aya Abu Hawash. Arab News French. She herself is also creative: she paints figurative works on the topic of self-exploration and reinterprets social stories.
Here genres and materials mix: paintings and sculptures intertwine with audio-visual installations, ranging from naïve art to NFT (non-replaceable tokens, denoted in French by the abbreviation “JNF”). All “artistic” means are implemented to reveal to visitors the various representations of women, and femininity, and to convey a message.
“We made the selection based on the context of the women. After traveling and meeting many of them, we wanted each artist to tell a different story through a different perspective and medium. Raneen Al-Homsi says: “We contacted artists from different backgrounds and worked with different galleries and artists living outside Lebanon.
As for the works, “they are made of various materials such as gold, ceramics, bronze, resin, oil paint and enameled steel,” says the expert.
“Only art can represent the female condition in all its splendor—and in its ugliness, too. A mother figure, a strong woman, at times masculine, or androgynous, suffers, a victim of inequality and prejudices, she presents many facets. Ethereal, degenerate, rejected, Admirer, critic, sacred, unrecognizable woman, “stresses Aya Abu Hawash.
The preparation for the exhibition took several months and the various stages were carefully considered. It was necessary “to think about artists, primarily those who deal with women in their work, as well as about space: how to live in it, improve and above all move it for a rather long time – three months?”, explains Raneen Al-Homsi. “We had to solicit artists, then welcome their work, advise some of them, and accompany them on their exhibition journey, which is not a trivial approach,” she explains. “Then we adapted the venue to the business, to the theme, which represented many hours of working with the ABC teams: allocating specific spaces, like the video space, with all the relevant technical issues.” In addition, it was necessary to “establish partnerships to inhabit the place and highlight associations, artists and public figures”.
The organizers were also keen to revive the exhibition. Thus, they offer visitors a meeting with the gallery’s female artists, who lead workshops and discussions on art and women. May Abboud, May Haddad, Nicola Tack, Eddie Choueiri, Philip Aractingi and others participated in the exercise. The training is provided by the feminist organization Fe-male. They offer many topics, such as training that is likely to enable women to participate in political life or on another level, cyber security, etc.
Moreover, this exhibition aims to travel beyond the Lebanese borders. “I made contacts in Paris and Dubai,” says Raneen Al-Homsi. In fact, the message you want to convey is universal. We want to showcase the works of these artists who carry women in their works and show their beauty, determination and emotions. They became ambassadors,” he identified the initiators of the exhibition. “Besides supporting the artists, especially in the particularly difficult economic context that Lebanon is going through, it seems important to us to allow everyone to come and recharge their batteries, enjoy observing and imagining and nourish themselves with color and shapes, and welcome a little poetry Lightness in everyday life is too heavy for many of us.
“It’s about dialogue and communication differently, between generations and different histories. here It is a celebration of all the possibilities that life offers to everyone. It is the story of women who believed, did and still make life,” conclude Aya Abu Hawash and Raneen Homsi.