Netflix: Only 7 days left to watch one of the best sci-fi movie trilogy – Actus Ciné

Netflix: Only 7 days left to watch one of the best sci-fi movie trilogy – Actus Ciné

Spaceships, amazing aliens, distant planets… No, we’re not talking about Star Wars, but about its eternal rival: the Star Trek saga, whose latest movie will leave Netflix as a fourth episode in the making.

In 2009, popular series producer JJ Abrams (Alias, Lost…) dusted off Star Trek by making a new movie dedicated to the crew of the USS Enterprise. Well received by audiences and critics with Chris Pine as James T. Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock, the feature film had two back-to-back versions, In Darkness and Without Borders, this time led by Justin Lin.

Everything that makes up the trilogy is not flawless but is at the top of the basket of what we can see in cinema in terms of science fiction thanks, in particular, to the likable characters and a whirlwind of action scenes.

All three versions are currently available on Netflix but will leave the platform on July 30th, so hurry to get started if you intend to (re)see them before the sequel is due out next year in cinemas. Because yes, the adventure isn’t supposed to stop there, as the fourth episode has been in the works for years.

long term project

However, the latter has had many false starts since the beginning of its development in… 2015. Thus several screenwriters have been recruited over the years without the project ever materializing, and there has also been a question about Quentin Tarantino taking the lead. Movie.

In 2018, SJ Clarkson (Madame Web) was hired to direct Star Trek 4, making her the first woman to direct a part of the saga, but it also fell out. However, the project was tempting because it brought together Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth (currently starring Thor: Love And Thunder), who appeared as Captain James T. Kirk’s father in 2009’s Star Trek.

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In July 2021, it was finally Matt Shukman (the Marvel WandaVision series) who inherited the director position and a few months later, J.J. Abrams, still working as a producer, and the CEO of Paramount Pictures announced that all the cast in the trilogy would already be back in the movie.

Paramount Pictures France

This time is the occasion?

A statement that sparked a lot of talk as the actors weren’t even aware of the Star Trek 4’s return! In March 2022, Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana (Uhura in the franchise) Project mention in an interview and Share their enthusiasm Thinking of meeting again.

Karl Urban (Leonard “Bones” McCoy) also wants to be there but doesn’t know if he’ll be able to combine filming for Season 4 of The Boys, which could be at the same time, as he did referenced in variety. At that time, neither he nor his former partners had read a script, and since then the project has not been talked about.

flights, so cross your fingers so that this thousandth version of Star Trek 4 doesn’t fall into the water! In the meantime, it is still scheduled for release in December 2023.

2009 Star Trek trailer:

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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