New discoveries of science

New discoveries of science

investigation – It became popular in the mid-1970s thanks to Raymond Moody’s best-selling book Life after life, near-death experiences reveal more startling secrets than ever before about the afterlife and human consciousness. Should we believe that? A recent American study revealed that brain activity doubles during the last moments of life.

Here’s a startling discovery that researchers at the University of Michigan have just made: As they took their last breaths, two women, ages 24 and 77, experienced an acceleration in their heart rates. Their brain activity showed a peak in gamma waves, emanating from the posterior region of the brain, which is the region associated with consciousness, dreams, meditation, or memory retrieval. “If this part of the brain is stimulated, it means the patient sees something, can hear something and possibly feels sensations outside their body.” Jimmo Borjigin, lead author of the study, explained, adding that it looks the part “in hell”.

The sophisticated electroencephalography (EEG) used in this study leads to puzzling conclusions. It invites us to look at near-death experiences (NDE) in a new light. Randomly occurs in a situation of physical or emotional danger…

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About the Author: Irene Alves

"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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