Nine days of Portuguese entertainment and atmosphere at the Clermont-Cournon Fair-Expo

Nine days of Portuguese entertainment and atmosphere at the Clermont-Cournon Fair-Expo

The Portuguese Consul in Lyon is expected on Saturday, at the end of the morning, in the Grande Halle d’Auvergne, for the opening of the Clermont-Cournon Fair-Expo. Edition 44 in Lusitanian accents, with an exhibition dedicated to Lisbon and many other activities throughout Portugal.

The animation budget has doubled

Suffice it to say that the organizers of the year’s biggest trade event of the year in the Claremont area are counting on the vast local Portuguese community to fill the aisles and reach the goal of 100,000 visitors, after an empty, no-gallery year, in 2020 and a 2021 edition with reduced numbers, for both exhibitors and shoppers. The number of exhibitors is starting to pick up again (about 400, three-quarters from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and 41% new) and the crowds should follow suit, hopes the show’s general manager, Catherine Merlot. Even if this old fashioned won’t live up to the great hours of last year, the Fair-Expo of Clermont-Cournon wants to find color and give itself the means by doubling the budget animation compared to last year.The exhibition dedicated to Lisbon offers a walk through the atmosphere of the Portuguese capital. Frederic Marquet’s photo

Activities and atmosphere of Lisbon

Stars of the 80s (Mader, Patrick Hernandez, Early Evening, etc.) Starting Saturday September 10th, Three Gourmet Cafés will close on Sunday September 18th, again with an appearance by animators Stéphane Plaza (Wednesday 14) or Clara Morgane (Friday 16 ), many free appointments served in the afternoon, sometimes allowing visitors to take full advantage of the catering areas.

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These activities will be interspersed with a program composed, as usual, of moments dedicated to the young or the elderly. In short, something that combines business with pleasure for visitors who come with a well-defined project in mind, or to have fun while waiting to tempt customers out of simple curiosity.

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Without forgetting to smell the very special atmosphere of Lisbon, at the back of Hall 1, from Belém to the 25th of April Bridge, where you come across an old tram to the tunes of Fado. Not

Practical information

Key dates. Supervolcano Spirit Trails, Sat 10 and Sun 11:80, Sat 10, 5 p.m.; Nekocapone Duet, Sunday the 11th; Fabian de Forest (Mental Scientist), Mon 12, 3 p.m.; The Garden Palace Show, Tuesdays 1, 2, and 4 p.m.; Stefan Plaza, Wed 14; Clara Morgan, Friday the 16th; Collectif Métissé, Sat. 5, 5 p.m.; Three Gourmet Café, Sundays 6pm, 3pm
a program. From Saturday 10 to Sunday 18 September, in the Grande Halle d’Auvergne (Cournon), 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (until 10 p.m. on Friday); Village restaurant open until 9pm (until midnight on both Saturdays).
the prices. Full: 7 euros, reduced 3 euros. Free: under 18 years of age accompanied by an adult, students and people with reduced mobility; For everyone, every day from 6pm (all day, Monday the 12th); For seniors, Tuesday the 13th and Thursday the 15th.

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Towards a return to high cruising at the Clermont-Cournon-Expo?

Patrice Campo
[email protected]
Twitter: @tweet

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"Bacon ninja. Guru do álcool. Explorador orgulhoso. Ávido entusiasta da cultura pop."

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