No Madness, a surfing documentary committed to ocean conservation, is available on Netflix

No Madness, a surfing documentary committed to ocean conservation, is available on Netflix

Head to Banua Marine Reserve, on the outskirts of remote islands in the China Sea, in the Philippines, for members of Nomads Surfing, an environmentally responsible surfing brand in Bordeaux. There are no huge tubes in the program, and when you look closely, beyond the paradise beaches and turquoise waters, you discover ecosystems devastated by plastic pollution, poaching, dynamite fishing and other illegal practices, which the association is somehow trying to protect. A 46-minute documentary, directed by Alvin Diagne, has been available on Netflix since June 6. “No Mad” is the story of three friends Basile, Nicholas and Thomas, surfers and surfers enthusiasts and founders of committed brand Nomads Surfing, who have left to shoot a surfing movie near Banua Marine Reserve, which is under construction. On a completely isolated island in the China Sea. On site, with no waves stopping them from surfing as they please, they seize the opportunity to fully commit to the project led by Scott Countryman, an American living in the Philippines. In the program: cleaning beaches, building artificial coral domes installed in the water bottom, getting to know the locals … and discovering some beautiful sites, most of which are surfing, according to locals, for the first time. Threatened by plastic pollution, illegal fishing (dynamite and cyanide), overfishing and climate change, the marine reserve is located at the heart of the Coral Triangle, a marine biodiversity center covering an area of ​​6 million square kilometers between Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands. Dugons (close to manatees), turtles, manta rays, corals … Underwater organisms abound here. A true sanctuary, undermined by human activities, for which Scott Countryman and his association, The Coral Triangle Conservancy, fight body and soul.

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About the Author: Aldina Antunes

"Praticante de tv incurável. Estudioso da cultura pop. Pioneiro de viagens dedicado. Viciado em álcool. Jogador."

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